Brand KPIs

Collecting better data for brand KPIs

Improve brand management by capturing and analyzing 100% of customer conversations with CallMiner Eureka.

The key to monitoring brand KPIs

Monitoring and measuring key performance indicators (KPIs) for your brand is a critical to developing superior strategy, executing effective campaigns, and monitoring your performance. Brand KPIs help track essential metrics related to brand awareness, brand experience, brand sentiment, and brand advocacy. Yet, many companies still rely on KPIs based on data from a small percentage of customers, collected through focus groups, surveys, or social media monitoring. The narrow scope of these data collection efforts inevitably produces insights that are more limited and less accurate.

Conversation intelligence technology from CallMiner provides a far more comprehensive approach to developing KPIs for your brand. By capturing and analyzing the thousands of conversations that take place every day between your customers and your employees, our Eureka platform delivers superior brand insights based on a deeper, more comprehensive understanding of how your customers experience your brand.

The Forrester Wave™: Conversation Intelligence for Customer Service, Q3, 2023

How conversation intelligence can improve brand campaigns

Conversation intelligence technology makes it possible to capture, transcribe, analyze, understand, and score 100% of conversations across all channels. That means you can access insight from every conversation your employees have with customers via phone, chat, email, SMS, social media, surveys, and more. To mine these conversations for insight into the branded customer experience, conversation intelligence solutions rely on AI and machine learning to pinpoint the meaning of a customer’s words as well as the emotion that drives their behavior. By converting the unstructured information in conversations into structured data you can search and analyze, conversation intelligence makes it possible to uncover new insights into customer awareness, sentiment, perception, and loyalty toward your brand.

With brand KPIs based on comprehensive analysis of customer conversations, your brand marketing teams can develop strategy and execute campaigns with far greater effectiveness. They’ll understand which channels and messages are most effective, and how changes to products or marketing messages impact your customers’ feelings about your brand.

The CallMiner Eureka conversation intelligence platform

CallMiner is the global leader in conversation intelligence technology, providing the most comprehensive platform for analyzing omnichannel customer interactions at scale. CallMiner Eureka analyzes interactions at the deepest level to pinpoint patterns, understand nuance, interpret emotion, and shed light on new areas of opportunity.

The CallMiner Eureka conversation intelligence platform provides comprehensive tools and capabilities for understanding customer’s mindset and monitoring brand KPIs.

• Capture, transcribe, categorize, and score 100% of interactions with customers across all channels.

• Leverage AI-driven search suggestions to enhance search, category building, and alerts.

• Gain visibility into the customer’s experience with a brand, mapped against customer satisfaction scores and other brand KPIs.

• Create a persistent culture of improvement by automating guidance and reinforcement for contact center agent behavior and performance.

• Alert agents and supervisors in real time to customers at risk of churn or conversations with potentially negative outcomes, providing real-time, next-best action guidance to resolve issues positively.

• Visualize conversation intelligence data through shareable presentations that reveal big picture stories while allowing users to drill down into details of agent performance and customer behavior.

• Protect customer privacy by automatically redacting sensitive information in text and audio conversations.

• Improve transcription and analytics with a full-featured recorder.

• Deliver greater visibility into interactions between agents and customers with a powerful screen recorder.

Advantages for measuring brand KPIs

CallMiner Eureka makes it possible to proactively monitor the pulse of your brand, dramatically reducing brand listening time and enabling dynamic, in-the-moment insights that can drive immediate action.

With CallMiner, you can:

• Combine all sources of customer feedback and interactions to gain a complete and quantified view of customer brand sentiment.

• Uncover the root cause of positive or negative brand sentiment.

• Monitor and analyze changing perceptions of your brand on 100% of channels.

• Gain a real-time view into customer perception to proactively manage and enhance brand identity.

• Analyze Net Promoter Score responses and determine what is driving the scores at scale.

• Enhance brand crisis management by identifying early warning signs of brand problems and proactively respond to prevent a brand crisis.

• Uncover product safety or quality concerns before they become a public issue.

• Identify the biggest brand-related topics and trends by analyzing all customer interactions and evolving perceptions in real-time.

• Understand how new company policies and practices may affect brand sentiment.

• Rely on Eureka as a competitor intelligence platform to compare brand awareness, attributes, and sentiment to competitors, quickly identifying strengths, weaknesses, and competitive threats.

Why CallMiner?

Trusted by the world’s leading organizations in retail, finance, healthcare, insurance, and other industries, CallMiner produces the intelligence required to make better business decisions and enhance brand identity. No other platform offers more customizable solutions or deeper understanding of customers to improve business outcomes.

With CallMiner’s automated business intelligence products, you can:

Identify patterns that reveal opportunity. By analyzing interactions at the deepest levels, CallMiner reveals patterns and nuance to help you understand customers better and drive brand innovation.

Analyze conversations across channels. Our AI and ML-powered analytics correlate text and audio-based interactions, even when those channels are not integrated.

Enhance performance and operations. With CallMiner, you can connect dots between insight into the minds of your customers and the action required to turn that intelligence into business improvement.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Brand KPIs are key performance indicators that reveal how aware customers are of a brand and how they perceive and feel about it.

Monitoring KPIs for a brand enables companies to understand where they are succeeding or failing in promoting brand identity and building brand loyalty. By tracking brand KPIs, companies can identify areas for opportunity and improvement and actions that can enhance brand loyalty.

The most significant KPIs for brands include:

• Brand awareness, which measures how well customers know and remember a brand.

• Brand sentiment, a measure of whether customers feel positively, negatively, or neutral about a brand.

• Brand experience, which measures customer satisfaction and trust in a brand.

• Net Promoter Score, a measure of whether a customer is a promoter or detractor of a brand.

• Brand visibility, which includes the number of social mentions and share of voice a brand receives.


We implemented CallMiner to achieve faster time to insights with our analytics. We can pull comprehensive, ad-hoc reports for stakeholders on important CX-centric KPIs on the fly.

Robin Gomez

Director of customer care innovation, Radial