CallMiner Outreach is here! |Learn about the future of CX


Fight fraud and protect your brand reputation

Analyze 100% of customer interactions to reduce socially engineered fraud in real-time and allow agents to focus on delivering positive customer experiences.

Proactively uncover patterns of fraud

Use conversation analytics to identify interactions and contacts that are likely fraud attempts and train agents on how to best respond. Uncover fraud trends and insights to drive improvement across every channel.

Enable a real-time or post-interaction fraud defense

Notify agents in real-time of potential fraud and next best actions to combat fraud. Leverage post-interaction analytics to enhance your ongoing fraud prevention and agent coaching.

Reduce risk of data breach

Leverage AI hand-in-hand with authentication solutions to uncover new fraud attempts and protect against data breach. Automate fraud scoring and reporting to increase fraud detection rates, while focusing on CX.

Learn more about our platform

Protect your brand reputation and increase customer loyalty

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Identify and flag new and unknown fraudsters

Expose unknown fraudsters and fraud attempts. Identify fraud-like behaviors and conversations and take action in real time.

  • Recognize potential fraudsters from calls to feed voice-printing and biometric systems
  • Identify new and unknown fraud across channels through pattern identification of potential fraudulent behavior
  • Review fraudulent conversations, utilize fraud risk scoring with fraud indicators and scorecards
  • Support real-time or near real-time guidance to agents and your fraud team

Learn more about our Analyze product

Combat fraud while preserving CX

Leverage conversation insights to uncover fraud and take the burden off agents.

  • Free agents from burdensome fraud detection responsibilities, allowing them to focus on driving the customer experience
  • Alert agents or your fraud team to suspicious activity
  • Integrate conversation insights with every touchpoint to reduce the likelihood of becoming an ongoing target for fraudsters

Download our report to learn how to prevent fraud and preserve using AI

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Minimize industry specific fraud risks

Use tools focused on your specific fraud risk, protect brand reputation, and drive customer loyalty.

  • Use tools focused on your specific fraud risk, protect brand reputation, and drive customer loyalty.
  • Prevent data breach or fraudulent insurance claims
  • Address phishing, account takeovers, and social engineering attacks aimed at finding customer information
  • Combine post-interaction and real-time fraud detection with a variety of thresholds for alerting tailored to your business needs

Read more about how we help organizations avoid fraud


According to a Sitel Group+CallMiner Survey Report on Fraud and Customer Support, 55% of Americans would not continue doing business with a brand if they found out that brand does not use technology to monitor for fraudulent activities on their accounts.