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Three ways conversation intelligence can improve brand experience and the bottom line


The Team at CallMiner

December 21, 2022

customer experience strategies
customer experience strategies

When consumers feel connected to a brand, it can have a major impact on the bottom line.

More than three quarters of consumers (76%) say they would buy from a brand they feel connected to over a competitor, and 57% say they are more likely to increase how much they spend with a brand when they feel connected. On the other hand, when consumers don’t feel connected to a brand, 70% are less likely to shop there over a competitor and almost two thirds (61%) will spend less with that business.

These days, customers can sound off about their brand experience in any number of channels, making it much more difficult to truly understand brand feedback at scale. Many brands may even miss the early warning signs of a crisis, and don’t discover issues until it’s too late. Let’s look at three ways AI-powered conversation intelligence platforms can be leveraged to understand brand feedback at scale, and adapt your marketing strategy accordingly.

1. Improving campaign strategy and execution

In marketing, everything can be measured — even the “softer” discipline of brand marketing. The good thing about omnichannel customer feedback is that brands have access to consumer insights faster and easier than ever before. Rather than relying on focus groups to understand how campaign messaging will resonate, the team can test and learn from actual customer feedback all the time.

While many teams make the mistake of relying on solicited feedback, such as surveys, to drive brand decisions, the unsolicited feedback your customers are already giving you may provide even deeper brand insights.

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“One of the most powerful, untapped tools for marketers is unsolicited feedback,” said Eric Williamson, CMO at CallMiner. “There’s no shortage of that type of feedback these days. Conversation intelligence platforms can help teams derive contextual meaning on top of what is actually being said. These insights can inform your brand awareness strategy and provide a deeper picture of your customers’ perception of your brand.”

2. Optimizing crisis communications and management

A brand crisis can arise at any moment. Understanding early smoke signals can help marketers and communications professionals mitigate issues before they become even deeper crises. Similarly, reacting well to breaking news trends could have the potential to propel a brand and align it with relevant cultural moments.

CMOs and brand leaders can leverage conversation and brand intelligence to listen in on how customers are reacting to moments in real-time, and think fast enough to respond appropriately. Whether that’s dropping a controversial spokesperson, adapting more body-positive models into a fashion campaign, or aligning a brand with a cultural movement, conversation intelligence can help marketing leaders key in on customer insights that matter most.

3. Staying ahead of brand sentiment

From the way employees interact with customers, to workplace conditions, to corporate responsibility initiatives, to the way the CEO behaves on social media, sentiment can change quickly — even for the most popular brands. Conversation intelligence can take sentiment a layer deeper, allowing brand leaders to interpret customer emotions about their brands.

Sentiment insights — positive, negative or neutral — are somewhat useful to understanding how customers feel. But interpreting language beyond these basic sentiments could make a major difference in transforming brand perception as a whole. Adding emotional context can help businesses looking to create more positive customer experiences across touchpoints.

AI-powered conversation intelligence can give brand leaders the boost they’re looking for in 2023 and beyond. It’s time to start truly listening to customer feedback across channels, and incorporating it into your brand campaigns and strategy.

“The brands that will win in a post-pandemic world will create truly custom experiences based on their customers’ needs and preferences, making the brand feel like a fixture in their lives,” said Williamson. “As we’ve seen, brand perception is rarely static. We’ve finally reached the point as marketers where we can not only keep up with customer feedback, but also stay several steps ahead of the curve.”

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