CallMiner's 2024 CX Landscape Report is here! |Download today

Why CallMiner Hero


The most powerful platform to meet all of your customer experience goals

No one offers more customizable solutions and the deep insights needed to improve operational efficiency in the contact center, customer experience, and business results enterprise-wide.

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Improve contact center and frontline agent effectiveness

CallMiner's platform helps organizations drive better customer outcomes through higher quality interactions and more efficient contact center operations.

Enhance CX outcomes with customer feedback insights

CallMiner's platform delivers insights from solicited and unsolicited conversations across customer listening posts to unlock value and improve customer, product and brand experiences.

Drive business results with unparalleled speed to value

With comprehensive out-of-the-box solutions and a proven customer success framework, CallMiner delivers immediate time-to-value, as well as long-term platform ROI.


What we saw from initial engagements with CallMiner, they listened to our needs and they were open to our ideas and they were willing to collaborate on finding a solution that we required.

Vere Millican

Executive of Credit and Data Science, African Bank


CallMiner is a great fit for companies with mature contact center operations that are ready to evolve their programs to be more outcome- and agent-centric.

The Forrester Wave: Conversation Intelligence for Customer Service, Q3 2023


XM Dscvr (Clarabridge)



Real-time capabilities (GA)

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Data transportability

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Full & hybrid QA automation

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Screen record

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Transcription via MSFT Azure STT

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Role Solutions

We help your company at every level.

Our products create value for employees and leaders from the contact center to the C-suite.

Contact Center

Help contact center employees become better and more efficient at their jobs to satisfy customers.

Data Science

Analyze customer interactions to get an accurate understanding of what your customers need.

Executive Management

Connect the dots between customer insights and better business decisions.


Build a culture of improvement with a system that integrates securely and easily with existing technology.


Connect the dots between marketing campaigns, customer insights and better business decisions.


Understand and encourage key sales behavior to close more deals.