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32 examples of how AI can improve customer experience


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August 15, 2024

32 examples of how AI can improve customer experience
32 examples of how AI can improve customer experience

Artificial intelligence (AI) has rapidly transformed various industries and departments, from marketing and business operations to healthcare, finance, transportation, retail, and more. The impact of AI on businesses has been profound, revolutionizing how companies engage with customers, analyze data, and make strategic decisions. As we continue to explore AI uses cases and applications, one of the most obvious benefits of AI is its potential to improve customer experience.   

The AI and CX Connection for Modern Tech Companies
The AI and CX Connection for Modern Tech Companies
The tech sector remain optimistic about recovering from a few years of economic turbulence, which resulted in constricting budgets and resources. This whitepaper looks at how AI will drive positive CX outcomes and business improvements in 2024 and beyond.
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This article explores how AI technology is shaping customer experience and how companies can leverage AI to enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty, including: 

  • The importance of customer experience 
  • The future of CX in the AI era 
  • Panel of AI experts & customer experience professionals 
  • Frequently asked questions 

The importance of customer experience  

With advancements in technology and the internet, customers now have more options than ever before when it comes to choosing products and services. As a result, businesses must prioritize providing excellent customer experiences to retain customers, attract new ones, and stay ahead of the competition.   

Customer experience is vitally important today for multiple reasons, including:  

  • It enhances customer satisfaction. In today's digital age, customers have high expectations when it comes to the level of service they receive. They expect personalized experiences, quick response times, and seamless interactions across all channels. Businesses that prioritize customer experience are more likely to meet these expectations and create satisfied customers who are more likely to become brand advocates.  
  • It directly impacts customer loyalty and retention. A positive customer experience fosters loyalty, encouraging customers to return and make repeat purchases. Satisfied customers are more likely to stay with a brand, reducing churn rates and ensuring a steady revenue stream. 
  • It’s a significant competitive advantage. In a competitive marketplace, exceptional customer experience can differentiate a business from its competitors. Companies that consistently provide superior CX can attract and retain more customers, gaining a competitive edge. According to Statistia, 44.5% of companies worldwide considered customer experience their primary competitive differentiator in 2021.  
  • It helps to boost revenue. Salesforce’s State of the Connected Customer report revealed that 80% of consumers say the experience they have with a company is just as important as its products and services, and Statista found that consumers who have had positive experiences with a brand spend as much as 140% more compared to customers who have previously had a negative experience. Satisfied customers are also more likely to make repeat purchases and recommend the brand to others, leading to increased revenue and reduced customer acquisition costs. 
  • It cultivates a positive brand reputation. A positive experience can turn a one-time customer into a loyal and repeat customer. On the other hand, a negative experience can drive customers away and lead to negative word-of-mouth, which can harm a company's reputation. With social media and online reviews playing a significant role in shaping consumer perceptions, providing a great customer experience is essential for maintaining a positive brand image

The future of CX in the AI era  

As we move towards an era where artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming increasingly integrated into our daily lives, it is clear that AI will play a central role in shaping the future of customer experience. In fact, in Statista’s 2021 survey, 45% of companies said they expected artificial intelligence to significantly impact CX in the next five years.   

Businesses that embrace this technology will undoubtedly reap to revolutionize the way businesses interact with their customers, providing personalized and efficient solutions to meet their needs.  


To learn more about how AI can impact the customer experience and drive business results, we reached out to a panel of AI experts and customer experience professionals and asked them to answer this question: 

“What are your favorite examples of how AI technology can improve customer experience?”  

Keep reading to learn what our panel had to say about how AI technology can improve customer experience.  

Karan Kumar 


Karan Kumar is a research analyst at Straits Research with a passion for sharing knowledge, identifying patterns, and making decisions based on facts.  

“Recently I've observed several groundbreaking applications of AI that have transformed customer experience…”  

Many businesses had been struggling with customer satisfaction for a while, but after integrating AI chatbots in their business, there was a 67% increase in sales. 

And satisfaction rates have been rising substantially when chatbots are deployed to handle inquiries and support tasks 

Approximately 23% of companies utilize chatbots to handle general inquiries and streamline booking processes. This not only improves efficiency but also enhances customer engagement and satisfaction. 

By automating routine interactions and providing 24/7 availability, AI chatbots significantly improve response times and customer satisfaction, which allows human agents to focus on more complex customer needs. 

For businesses who are looking to enhance their customer experience with AI, integrating an AI chatbot in your workflow is a powerful step.  

Additionally, it’s essential to invest in high-quality AI programming and training with a wide range of data to ensure the bot can handle a diverse set of inquiries.  

Last but not least, AI technology will continue to evolve in the near future. Its potential to improve customer interactions is substantial, promising even more innovative applications in the future. 

Alexander Ragin 


Alex is the founder and CEO of Zoftify, a travel software development agency specializing in building modern solutions for the travel industry. Before starting Zoftify, Alex had a successful career in tech consulting and led international mobile development teams. 

“I run a travel product development agency that develops AI solutions for our clients, so my favorite examples of how AI can improve customer experience are related to our industry (travel & hospitality)...” 

  • AI recommendation algorithms can suggest destinations based on travelers' interests, previous bookings, and other patterns. 
  • Users can create itineraries for their trips, or travel companies can implement AI-generated itineraries to offer a better and deeper experience for travelers. 
  • With 24/7 customer support chats, travelers can ask any questions about their trip or other info (e.g., what their insurance covers). 
  • Travel companies can analyze their travelers' feedback automatically from different sources and create improvement plans, leading to a better overall customer experience. 
  • Personalized communication can replace generic promo emails, making them human-like and personal for travelers. 

Pavel Naydenov 


Pavel Naydenov is at the helm of Marketing at Businessmap, bringing a blend of creativity, strategic thinking, and a relentless pursuit of excellence in the ever-evolving world of marketing.  

“One fascinating example is how businesses have deployed AI-powered chatbots on their website or apps…” 

These not only respond to customer queries in real time but also provide personalized product recommendations based on past behavior, significantly improving the speed and quality of service.   

Another stand-out example is the use of AI in predictive analytics. It allows companies to analyze customer data to predict future patterns and behavior. This helps brands offer proactive solutions and meet the needs of their customers even before they know they need them.   

Lastly, advanced AI algorithms can be used to create hyper-personalized marketing content, presenting consumers with tailored offers and tailored customer journeys that cater to their preferences and needs.  

I'm passionate about how leveraging AI can lead to happier, more satisfied customers, and I believe we're only scratching the surface of what's possible. 

Javier Muniz  

Javier Muniz is the CTO at, revolutionizing business services with technology to empower entrepreneurs and protect their interests efficiently and effectively.  

“I've seen artificial intelligence (AI) dramatically enhance customer experience across multiple industries. My favorite examples include…”  

  • AI-powered chatbots: Providing instant, round-the-clock customer service, reducing wait time, and delivering personalized experiences. 
  • Predictive analysis: Helps businesses anticipate customer needs and trends, leading to proactive service provision. 
  • Voice-activated virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa: They have revolutionized the way customers interact with services, allowing them to remain hands-free while getting their queries resolved. 
  • AI in CRM systems: It has automated tasks, streamlined processes, and provided deeper insights into customer behavior. 

These AI applications not only drive customer satisfaction but also contribute towards a more profitable business model.  

Karolina Dacheva 


Karolina Dacheva is the Strategic Operations and Portfolio Manager at Businessmap, a PMI Agile Certified Practitioner, multilingual, and committed to driving operational excellence and strategic decision-making.  

“I'm constantly exploring the potential of technology, especially AI, to significantly improve customer experience. Let me share some examples from my own experience…” 

  • Real-Time Customer Assistance: AI-powered chatbots can provide immediate assistance to customers, speeding up query resolution and thereby, elevating customer satisfaction. At Businessmap, our AI chatbot efficiently addresses routine customer queries, freeing up time for our team to focus on complex issues. 
  • Predictive Analytics: AI's ability to analyze user behavior data can help predict future customer actions. In my role, I've used this insight to tailor personalized experiences, boosting customer engagement. 
  • Enhancing User Interface: AI technology can continuously learn from a user's interaction with software and adjust accordingly. For instance, our AI capabilities at Businessmap adapt to user preferences, thus ensuring a streamlined and intuitive product experience. 
  • Automating Routine Tasks: AI accelerates process automation, which not only increases operational efficiency but also minimizes erroneous human interventions. At Businessmap, we've successfully automated several tasks like data entry, significantly improving our delivery timelines and user experience. 

I believe, the key to successful AI implementation in customer experience lies in its strategic incorporation without losing the human touch.   

Eva Miller 


Eva Miller is an innovative VP of Marketing with over 15 years of experience revolutionizing digital marketing strategies and driving business growth at Digital Silk.  

“Having dedicated over 15 years to digital marketing with an emphasis on marketing automation and customer relationship management (CRM), I've experienced first-hand the remarkable ways AI can transform customer experience…”  

  • AI chatbots - They provide 24/7 customer support, ensuring immediate responses for simple inquiries, thus augmenting customer satisfaction. 
  • Personalization - By learning customer preferences, AI can provide tailored product suggestions, enhancing ecommerce experiences and boosting conversion rates. 
  • Predictive Analytics - AI can analyze customer behavior to predict future buying patterns, allowing businesses to provide product recommendations or sales offers at just the right moment. 
  • Sentiment Analysis - AI can gauge customer emotions in real-time during customer interactions. This insight allows quicker intervention if a customer is upset, turning a potentially negative situation into a positive experience. 
  • Virtual Assistants - AI-powered virtual assistants can streamline tasks like booking tickets or setting reminders. This reduces customer effort and significantly improves their overall experience with the brand. 

Mary Jean 


With over a decade in product development within the tech industry, Mary Jean specializes in leveraging AI technology to enhance product functionality and customer satisfaction at Zetronix

“Here are a few of my favorite examples of how AI technology can significantly enhance the customer experience…”  

1) Personalized Recommendations:  

AI algorithms analyze customer data to provide personalized product recommendations, improving the shopping experience by making it more relevant and tailored to individual preferences.  

2) Customer Support Chatbots:  

AI-driven chatbots offer instant customer support, handling common inquiries and issues efficiently. This not only speeds up resolution times but also frees up human agents to tackle more complex problems, enhancing overall customer service.  

3) Predictive Analytics:  

By using AI to predict trends and customer behaviors, businesses can proactively address potential issues before they affect the customer, ensuring a smoother, more satisfying user experience. 

4) Voice Recognition Systems: 

Integrating AI with voice recognition technology allows for more intuitive interaction with devices and services. This technology can improve accessibility, making it easier for all users to engage with products and support services. 

These applications of AI not only optimize customer interactions but also foster a more engaging and responsive relationship between businesses and their clients.  

Oleg Segal 


Oleg Segal is the CEO of DealA, a leading online platform that offers easy access to promotional codes diversified across more than 30,000 brands. With over nine years in the digital space, Oleg has managed websites attracting 1MM+ visitors monthly. At DealA, his passion lies in helping thousands save online through genuine coupons and discount codes. 

“As a leader in the coupon platform industry, I've seen firsthand how AI can considerably enhance customer experience…” 

AI technology implemented on assists in personalized browsing experiences. Over time, AI learns each user's shopping behavior and recommends the most beneficial promotional codes, curating a truly personalized deal-hunting journey.  

Another profound instance is AI's predictive analysis. This feature anticipates customers' needs based on data patterns, warning them of a price increase or alerting them of a price drop on their favorite brands.  

Lastly, customer service efficiency has skyrocketed with AI-powered chatbots. These bots provide immediate, 24/7 support, addressing FAQs, navigating promotional offers, and troubleshooting. This not only saves time but also ensures the user finds and applies the perfect coupon code every single time. 

Nick Drewe  

Nick Drewe, founder and strategic powerhouse behind, uses his digital marketing prowess to innovate the e-commerce landscape.  

“Here are some of my favorite applications that demonstrate AI’s potential to impact customer experience…”  

  • Personalization: AI can analyze customer behavior and offer personalized recommendations, enhancing buy-in, and satisfaction. For instance, Amazon uses machine learning with collaborative filtering to offer highly personalized products to their customers. 
  • Virtual Assistants: AI-driven virtual assistants like Siri or Alexa provide seamless communication, driving customer engagement. They not only help users but also learn from their behavior, hence progressively improving subsequent interactions. 
  • Predictive Analysis: In my line of work, AI-driven predictive analysis has allowed us to forecast future trends, enabling us to offer relevant coupons to customers at the right time, thus significantly improving their shopping experience. 
  • Streamlining Returns and Refunds: We use AI to handle returns and refunds swiftly. By predicting the likelihood of returns based on past purchases, we speed up the process, ensuring high customer satisfaction. 

AI has opened up countless avenues to elevating customer experience, and I believe we’re just hitting the tip of the iceberg.  

Alexander De Ridder 


Alexander De Ridder is a pioneering technologist pushing the boundaries of artificial intelligence. As Co-Founder and CTO of SmythOS, he is spearheading the development the world's first operating system designed to coordinate specialized AI agents and unlock new levels of efficiency. 

“My favorite example of how AI can improve customer experience is…” 

With AI interfaces, the AI assistant (for whatever the use case is) will ask what the user actually wants. So in every step of the customer journey, you will know the exact thing users were asking. The amount of information you have there will reduce cart abandonment and improve the customer journey experience.  

This is the golden age for customers, customer service, and business processes. Your brand will get the exact customer intent at every step and optimize for user delight in every step of the interaction. 

Simon Bacher 


Simon Bacher is the mind behind Ling app, dedicated to making language learning accessible and fun for all. Outside of tech, Simon is a chess enthusiast and a badminton player. 

“As the co-founder of Ling app, an AI-incorporated language learning platform, I can attest to the transformative power of AI in enhancing the customer experience. Implementing AI has helped us in several ways…”  

For instance, we use AI for personalized content delivery, where based on user's progress and challenges, custom lessons are created. This not only boosts user engagement but also accelerates the learning process.  

Moreover, AI-powered chatbots are a central part of our customer support. They provide instant assistance, guide users through our platform, and even handle simple troubleshooting.  

Lastly, AI-driven analytics help us to understand user behaviour and preferences better, enabling us to continually improve our platform based on the insights gained. 

Abhinav Girdhar 

@AppyPieInc  Abhinav Girdhar is the founder of Appy Pie, which provides a no-code development platform for creating easy, swift, and cost-effective solutions without the need for coding expertise. The platform transcends barriers, offering seamless integrations with various data sources and applications.  

“My favorite examples of how AI can improve customer experience are…”  

  • Personalized Recommendations: Anyone that gives your personal recommendations and tries to pay special attention makes your feel well treated. So it is not possible with human beings all the time. The personal touch with AI can satisfy customers really well 
  • 24/7 Support Champions: The customer chatbots can reply all the time and they never get tired of replying, so the customer can't be frustrated  
  • The Power of Voice: Virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa are revolutionizing how we interact with businesses. AI allows for natural language processing, enabling customers to get information, make purchases, or even control smart home features with just their voice. It's a hands-free and intuitive experience. 
  • Predicting Needs Before They Arise: AI can analyze past interactions and customer data to anticipate potential problems. Proactive outreach can prevent frustration, like an airline notifying you about a potential flight delay before you even reach the airport. This demonstrates that the company is a step ahead and genuinely cares. 
  • Sentiment Analysis - Understanding the Customer: AI can analyze customer reviews, emails, and social media posts to gauge sentiment. This allows businesses to identify areas where they're excelling and areas needing improvement.  It's like having a constant customer satisfaction meter providing valuable feedback. 

Adam Wood 


Adam Wood is the Co-Founder of RevenueGeeks, a website that covers everything related to e-business and e-commerce. They founded RevenueGeeks to offer users a really honest, committed, and helpful tool when navigating Amazon and e-commerce.  

“In today's fast-paced world, Artificial Intelligence is becoming crucial to shaping customer experience…”  

The AI customer experience is about delivering quick and personalized interactions at scale using AI technologies like chatbots, digital agents, and machine learning. The goal of artificial intelligence (AI) customer experience is to use AI technology to improve customer interactions, expedite corporate processes, and eventually increase customer happiness in general. 

The following are some examples of excellent AI customer experience: 

Voice assistants 

AI-powered voice assistants, such as Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant, are growing in popularity. They use artificial intelligence's Natural Language Processing (NLP) capabilities to read spoken commands and respond appropriately. A user's past and preferences can be used by these voice assistants to customize help, arrange orders, answer queries, and manage other devices. 

Advanced Analytics 

AI systems can sort through enormous volumes of client data, uncovering trends and information that people might overlook. This can assist in determining what customers desire, predicting their needs as we advance, and highlighting areas where the customer experience can be enhanced. There are concerns regarding the potential risks associated with generative AI, even though these algorithms can forecast future requirements and enhance user experiences. 

Recommendations System on Amazon 

One of the best examples is Amazon's artificial intelligence (AI) product suggestion system, which has completely changed online purchasing. Using information from each customer's behavior, past purchases, things in the shopping cart, and what other customers are purchasing, Amazon's AI engine generates personalized product recommendations. This customization enhances both Amazon's sales and customer experience.  

Tim Valeanu 

Tim Valeanu has spent much of his career working as an IT professional in various technical support roles at several multinational Companies. In over 20 years of working in this industry, Tim has acquired many skills related to IT. 

“Here are my favorite examples of how AI technology can improve customer experience…”  

AI technology has significantly transformed customer experience across various industries. Businesses can create more personalized, efficient, and secure customer experiences, leading to increased satisfaction and loyalty. Here are some of the best examples of how AI enhances customer experience:  

1. Personalized Recommendations  

  • E-commerce - Platforms like Amazon use AI algorithms to analyze user behavior and recommend products tailored to individual preferences. This increases customer satisfaction and boosts sales. 
  • Streaming Services - Netflix and Spotify utilize AI to suggest movies, shows, and music based on users’ viewing and listening history. 

 2. Customer Support and Chatbots  

  • 24/7 Availability - AI powered chatbots, such as those used by companies like Zendesk and Drift, provide instant responses to customer inquiries around the clock, improving service availability. 
  • Enhanced Interactions - Natural Language Processing (NLP) enables chatbots to understand and respond to complex queries, making interactions more human-like and effective. 

 3. Predictive Analytics  

  • Customer Behavior Insights - AI analyzes past behaviors to predict future actions, helping companies proactively address customer needs. For instance, predictive analytics in CRM systems can identify when a customer might churn and trigger retention efforts. 
  • Inventory Management - Retailers use AI to forecast demand and manage inventory levels, ensuring products are available when customers want them. 

4. Personalized Marketing  

  • Targeted Advertising - AI helps in creating personalized marketing campaigns by analyzing user data to deliver relevant ads and offers. Google and Facebook ad platforms are prime examples of using AI for highly targeted advertising. 
  • Dynamic Pricing - Companies like airlines and hotels use AI to adjust prices in real-time based on demand, competitor pricing, and other factors, optimizing revenue and providing competitive rates for customers. 

 5. Enhanced Customer Insights  

  • Sentiment Analysis - AI tools analyze customer feedback from various sources (social media, reviews, surveys) to gauge sentiment and identify areas for improvement. Tools like Lexalytics and MonkeyLearn are used for this purpose. 
  • Customer Segmentation - AI algorithms segment customers based on behaviors and preferences, allowing for more personalized and effective marketing strategies. 

 6. Improved Product and Service Design  

  • Customer Feedback Analysis - AI analyzes large volumes of customer feedback to identify common issues and desired features, informing product development. For instance, companies like IBM Watson use AI for text and sentiment analysis to derive actionable insights. 
  • A/B Testing - AI optimizes A/B testing processes by quickly analyzing the results and suggesting the best variations, improving user experience on websites and apps. 

 7. Automation of Routine Tasks  

  • Service Automation - AI automates repetitive tasks such as booking appointments, processing orders, and handling returns, freeing up human agents to focus on more complex customer issues. 
  • Self-Service - AI driven self-service portals and virtual assistants empower customers to resolve issues on their own, improving satisfaction and reducing wait times. 

8. Enhanced Security  

  • Fraud Detection - AI systems detect fraudulent activities in real-time by analyzing transaction patterns and user behaviors, providing a safer experience for customers. Financial institutions like banks use AI for robust fraud prevention. 
  • Personalized Security Measures - AI can offer personalized security protocols, such as biometric authentication, ensuring a secure yet seamless user experience. 

 9. Voice Assistants  

  • Convenient Interaction - AI powered voice assistants like Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, and Apple Siri allow users to perform tasks, get information, and control smart home devices using voice commands, enhancing convenience and accessibility. 

 10. Enhanced In-Store Experience  

  • Smart Shelves and Checkout - AI technologies like smart shelves and automated checkout systems (e.g., Amazon Go stores) streamline the shopping experience, reducing wait times and improving customer satisfaction. 
  • In-Store Assistance - AI powered robots and kiosks assist customers in finding products and provide information, enhancing the in-store experience.  

Michael Nemeroff 


Michael Nemeroff is the CEO and co-founder of Rush Order Tees, an apparel eCommerce brand catering to B2B and B2C customers.

“I’m a big fan of AI’s ability to identify borderline churners in your customer base…” 

This works well for keeping track of repeat customers or subscription members. If the AI notices a downturn in their website visits or a decline in their usual purchase rhythm, it will send an alert. That should prompt your marketing team to offer incentives to nudge the customer back into your sales cycle.  

That nudge may look like a discount on their next eCommerce purchase or a free gift sent to their address. For subscription models, like in the Saas industry, it may be worth reducing their monthly subscription fees for the next billing cycle to show appreciation for their patronage.  

David Ciccarelli 


David Ciccarelli is the Founder & CEO of the online vacation rental platform, Lake. He also previously founded and expanded the voice-over marketplace into 160+ countries and in 100+ languages and dialects. 

“AI is a major customer service asset for us in the vacation rental marketplace…” 

Say a customer has a query about finding amenities in their vacation home or apartment, but the host is out of reach after hours. We can program an AI customer assistant to answer these generic questions, so guests don’t feel abandoned and hosts can feel comfortable setting boundaries for their personal time.  

Brooke Webber 

Brooke Webber, Head of Marketing at Ninja Patches, is an accomplished writer with a flair for crafting compelling stories and engaging content.  

“My favorite example of AI at work in the customer experience industry is with pricing automation…” 

Competitor campaigns and consumer trends can unexpectedly alter the demands for products and services. As marketers, we may not have a constant eye on these changes until they’re a glaring problem for our sales. This is where AI steps in to avoid the situation from escalating that far.  

Pricing automation software can continuously monitor pricing analytics and adjust the figures companies display to their customers accordingly. It keeps your pricing within a competitive range, so you’re never “too expensive” or strangely underpriced that leads change their mind about converting into your customers. In fact, it could benefit your customer experience if your adjusted pricing hits the sweet spot for your audience.  

Callum McLeod 


Callum McLeod is an avid enthusiast and seasoned professional in the realms of Management and Marketing. With years of rich experience under his belt, he helps drive success at FatWeb. His portfolio is a tapestry of innovative strategies and solutions tailored for a diverse clientele, steering businesses to achieve their full digital potential. 

“When you went to a traditional store in the past, you could usually find a store attendant who could help you find the items you wanted to buy…” 

But as time has gone on, we have arrived at the e-commerce era, when sellers and merchants need to use e-commerce personalization strategies to remain ahead of the competition. 

Automating Customer Service 

Chatbots and other virtual assistants are great online support representatives when it comes to providing superior customer care. Artificial intelligence is evident in almost every aspect of a chatbot.  

With the use of machine learning applications, their functionality can use natural language processing (NLP) to ascertain the wants of customers. Over time, this will allow them to become increasingly astute digital butlers. 

Forecasting Consumer Action 

Companies who are aware of the wants and demands of their clients will undoubtedly have an advantage in the cutthroat e-commerce sector. With their capacity for predictive modeling, AI and machine learning can bring you important insights into future trends and customer behavior. 

Coming of Age of Chatbots 

An increasingly common sight in AI e-commerce is chatbots. Approximately 88% of consumers engaged with a chatbot in 2022. Most people said these conversations went well, which suggests that people are becoming more at ease using this technology.  

The market for chatbots is expanding significantly. It is expected to surpass $994 million in 2024. Chatbots are especially attractive to small businesses since they are affordable and can effectively handle client concerns.  

Colt Agar 


Colt Agar is the Head of Marketing at Red Stag Fulfillment, a 3PL logistics company created by eCommerce store owners, for eCommerce store owners. He also has over 14 years of experience in the eCommerce and marketing industries. 

“As an e-commerce professional, I appreciate how AI can expand a brand's customer reach through multilingualism…” 

Before, we’d need to hire translators to manually personalize content on every webpage. Now, with AI, we can tailor online stores to thousands of different languages and international markets.  

AI is helping e-commerce sellers broaden their customer demographics and create more accessible services for the global marketplace. 

Adhiran Thirmal 


Adhiran Thirmal is a Senior Solutions Engineer at Security Compass. He is elevating the application security bar by helping organizations embrace secure by design mechanisms using Security Compass’s SD Elements product and Application Security Training. He is skilled in secure application development using Java, C#, Swift, Objective-C, Ruby, PHP, Python and JavaScript and has a BASc in Mechatronics Engineering from the University of Waterloo. 

“AI technology has revolutionized customer experience across various industries, particularly in cybersecurity. Here are some favorite examples of how AI can enhance customer experience in cybersecurity solutions…” 

1. Hyper-Personalization with AI Assistants:  

Imagine a virtual shopping assistant that you can talk to like a real person. It remembers your preferences, what you bought in the past and what you have browsed. With AI and machine learning, the assistant can recommend items (and inform you of best offers to buy these) in real-time. In this case, the assistant is not simply making recommendations – it performs behavioral analysis on your social-media account and creates recommendations based on your lifestyle. 

2. Predictive & Proactive Customer Support via Sentiment Analysis:  

Intelligence can enable companies to identify frustrated customers across multiple channels (emails, chats, social media reviews) and contact them before issues escalate. Imagine a system that detects an angry tweet about a late package and prompts a customer agent to get in touch with an apology and expedite the delivery. 

3. AI-Powered Chatbots for 24/7 Support:  

We’ve all encountered chatbots, and the applications of smart AI make those chatbots increasingly sophisticated. Chatbots can now answer unusual questions, walk you through trouble-shooting steps, and set appointments – no human interaction required. Customers can get an answer immediately, at any time of day, and waits and frustrations are significantly reduced. 

4. AI Security for Seamless and Safer Commerce:  

Even though I work in the domain of cybersecurity, AI can assist by learning a customers’ behavior to detect fraudulent behavior in real-time. Alerts are possible during transactions, allowing for stopping a problem before a customer’s money is lost or data can be extracted. This also deepens the customer experience and builds trust. 

5) AI-powered Self-Service:  

Lots of customer issues can be dealt with by AI powered agents that automate the resolution of questions for customers. For example, they can answer customers’ questions by finding relevant articles, tutorials or FAQs from a smart knowledge base that understands natural language. This allows customers to solve their own problems at any time through the AI-powered self-service channel. 

These are just a few of my favorite examples of how AI can enhance the customer experience. The future should be an exciting one for any business that decides to adopt artificial intelligence, as we’re likely in for many more applications of AI that help to personalize, streamline and secure the customer journey.  

Phil Vam 


Phil Vam, a tech enthusiast and entrepreneur, is the owner of Micro Startups. He loves exploring new technologies, especially AI, and finding ways to use them to make things better. 

“I constantly investigate new ways we can integrate AI in businesses, and customer experience is one area where I believe it can really help a lot…” 

In my opinion, AI is great because it doesn't get tired or upset, which means it can talk to customers calmly (even the most stubborn ones) no matter what. Whether it's day or night, AI is ready to help everyone based on a clear set of rules about what our products do and how important our customers are. 

I know AI isn't perfect, and we're still pretty careful with it, but it's really good for handling tough situations without making people more upset.  

Nowadays, integrating AI chat support isn't hard, and I think that many companies (especially smaller businesses) should implement it to reduce labor costs. 

Martin Gasparian 

Martin Gasparian is the owner and attorney at Maison Law. He’s a business aficionado with a passion for justice. Before establishing his own law firm, he worked for various major corporations, gaining valuable experience in the field. 

“We understand the revolutionary possibilities of AI to improve customer experience while upholding ethical norms because of its strong foundation in the legal and business domains…” 

Working with AI technology has improved our own processes and given us important new perspectives on how it is being used in other industries.  

An outstanding example is chatbots driven by AI, which we have included into our own customer support research. With their quick legal advice to simple questions, these bots greatly expedite response times and allow our lawyers to concentrate on more difficult matters. AI-driven contract analysis tools are another cutting edge application that improve accuracy and customer trust by providing real-time, error-free contract inspection.  

Nevertheless, there are certain moral and legal issues with the application of AI, especially with relation to bias in AI algorithms and data privacy. The consequences for misuse can be serious for both reputation and finances, so there are substantial legal stakes. Data protection regulations could be broken, for example, if an ill-trained AI model unintentionally discloses private client data.  

Companies wishing to include AI should consult with legal counsel to manage the possible hazards and make sure that their technological use complies with ethical norms and existing legislation. Long term, this proactive strategy not only reduces risks but also builds customer loyalty and trust.  

Ryan Carrigan 


Ryan Carrigan is the founder of moveBuddha, an innovative platform transforming the moving industry. Since its inception 9 years ago, moveBuddha has helped over 400,000 individuals annually in facilitating seamless relocations. Their goal is to ease the inevitable stress of moving, and turning it into an easier, hassle-free experience. 

“We are constantly seeking for new approaches to improve the moving experience and streamline our offerings…” 

Using artificial intelligence technology has completely changed the way we work with our clients and oversee their relocation procedures.  

Our route optimization program has, however, used AI in the most revolutionary way. In order to find our moving vehicles the most effective routes, an AI-driven program examines weather, road quality, and traffic patterns. This guarantees that the valuables of our clients arrive on time and in perfect shape by expediting the moving procedure and lowering the possibility of delays.  

I remember moving a family last summer who were nervous about moving to a city where traffic is often bad. Our AI route optimizer allowed us to forecast areas of heavy traffic and redirect our vehicles appropriately. The family was relieved on moving day when everything came ahead of time. 

Mathias Ahlgren 


Mathias Ahlgren is the CEO and Founder of Website Rating, a marketing and SEO business that specializes in assisting professionals with business visibility. 

“Customers may be wondering what AI can actually bring to their experience, but as somebody who works in the online space, I’m here to let you know that…” 

You are likely already interacting with it on a daily basis as a customer—you’ve just never given it that name. 

Think about every time you make a purchase online, there is some basic form of AI that allows that to happen without the need to hand cash directly to another human? All we are seeing now is the development of it as a more advanced technology, and this can feel a bit scary because it’s not understood.  

However, it will only be further developed, and your understanding will come along that journey, too. It’s just that right now it feels newer than it actually is. 

AI helps our accessibility to shopping (especially online) in a way that benefits a lot of people from various backgrounds that make in-person shopping harder, and its ability to help in this way is something we should definitely be celebrating.  

Shubham Ahuja 

Shubham Ahuja is a digital marketing manager at BigOhTech. Shubham specializes in content marketing, search engine optimization, performance marketing, etc. He also holds expertise in marketing for IT companies. 

“AI presents a treasure trove of opportunities to enhance customer experience! Here are a few of my favorites…” 

  • 24/7 AI-powered support: Chatbots powered by AI can answer basic questions, troubleshoot common issues, and even direct customers to the most relevant resources. This provides instant assistance, reduces wait times, and offers extended support hours. 
  • Predictive service: AI can analyze vast amounts of data to anticipate customer needs. Proactive outreach for product recommendations, maintenance reminders, or potential service issues demonstrates that you care and adds a layer of convenience. 
  • Sentiment analysis: AI can analyze customer feedback, including reviews and social media conversations, to understand sentiment. This allows you to identify areas for improvement and proactively address customer concerns, leading to a more positive brand perception. 
  • Seamless omnichannel experience: AI can ensure consistent messaging and experience across all touchpoints, whether it's a mobile app, website, or social media platform. This creates a smooth journey for the customer, regardless of how they choose to interact with your brand. 

Bohdan Dmytryshyn  


For 19 years, Bohdan Dmytryshyn has provided expertise as a Solution Architect, Project Manager, and Data Analysis consultant in one of the biggest Ukrainian IT outsourcing companies, Agiliway. Altogether, Bohdan has gained 25 years of experience in the universe of data management and software application development (java and open-source stack) and all related fields of software engineering, project management, and technology.  

“We at Agiliway, a custom software development and IT consulting company, have developed numerous AI projects…”  

One of the most significant was a voice-enabled solution for the efficient handling of medical documents. This solution empowers healthcare professionals to record patient data through voice commands, streamlining the documentation process during consultations and eliminating the need for manual data entry.  

One of the features that has proved to be quite exciting for users is the ability to manipulate documents through voice commands. Healthcare practitioners can use their voice to browse through a patient's medical records, quickly find the necessary information, edit the documentation, remove unnecessary details, and more.  

This solution adds flexibility to everyday operations in clinics, medical centers, or for individual practitioners. With online consultations becoming increasingly prevalent, information can be recorded immediately, enabling instant documentation of examinations, diagnostic details, and recommendations during appointments.  

By leveraging AI technology for voice-enabled documentation, healthcare professionals can provide a more efficient and seamless experience for their patients. The ability to capture and organize patient data effortlessly enhances the overall quality of care, reduces the administrative burden on healthcare staff, and ultimately leads to improved customer satisfaction.  

Tim White 


Tim White is the Founder of milepro, which provides pro travel tips, deals, reviews, and hacks. He’s also a seasoned IT sales executive with a broad functional background and a proven track record of developing and maintaining lasting, profitable business relationships in a complex sales environment. 

“My favorite examples of how AI technology can improve customer experience are…” 

AI has revolutionized customer service by enabling personalized interactions. For instance, AI-driven chatbots provide 24/7 customer support, which can handle basic inquiries and issues without human intervention. This not only speeds up resolution times but also frees up human agents to tackle more complex queries.  

Another powerful application is in personalized recommendations. AI algorithms analyze user behavior and preferences to suggest relevant products or services, significantly enhancing the customer experience by making it feel more tailored and attentive. 

Moreover, AI has significantly improved feedback loops and predictive customer service. Tools like sentiment analysis can gauge customer emotions through their interactions, allowing companies to proactively address dissatisfaction.  

Additionally, AI systems can predict future customer inquiries and behavior based on historical data, enabling businesses to proactively offer solutions or promotions before the customer even identifies a need. A notable example is in the travel sector, where AI is used to predict flight delays and automatically rebook passengers, greatly reducing stress and improving user satisfaction. 

Sturgeon Christie 


Sturgeon Christie is the CEO of Second Skin Audio, which provides automotive noise control solutions. Second Skin Audio has been an industry leader in automotive insulation and sound deadening since 2000. They produce a full line of high quality, USA-made sound and heat insulation solutions that are engineered and tested for performance.  

“Artificial Intelligence has profoundly impacted customer service by enhancing virtual assistance and support…” 

AI-driven virtual assistants can manage booking appointments, answering FAQs, and providing troubleshooting help, all without human intervention. These capabilities not only improve customer response times but also allow companies to scale their operations efficiently. 

Another innovative use of AI in customer interactions is through augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) experiences. These technologies, powered by AI, can simulate product demos or allow customers to visualize products in their own space before purchasing, significantly enriching the shopping experience and reducing return rates. 

Additionally, AI enhances customer security and trust by improving fraud detection systems. These systems analyze customer behavior patterns and flag unusual activities, helping to prevent potential security breaches and build customer confidence. 

AI has also enabled more effective management of customer feedback. Through natural language processing, AI tools can analyze customer reviews and social media mentions to derive insights, which helps businesses address concerns more proactively and improve their products and services. 

Ritesh Raj 


Ritesh Raj, the co-founder and COO of CuddlyNest, has a skilled background in tech and product building, along with lifelong proficiency in the travel ecosystem. Ritesh remains devoted to his mission of building the most diversified and accessible accommodation booking platform out there. Aside from running the show at CuddlyNest, he's quite the globetrotter. He has already ticked off more than 120 countries on his travel list. 

“AI has been instrumental in boosting our platform’s performance and user experience, leading to notable improvements in our operations and customer interactions…”  

Now, let me share two of my favorite AI implementations that have significantly improved our customer experience:  

  • AI Chatbot: Our AI chatbot has been a vital tool in providing immediate, round-the-clock assistance to our customers. It’s capable of understanding and responding to a wide range of queries, reducing wait times and improving customer satisfaction. The chatbot learns from each interaction, continually improving its ability to assist users. It’s not just a tool for answering questions—it’s a learning system that grows more efficient with each conversation. 
  • Advanced Search Filters: AI has also enhanced our search functionality. Our advanced search filters use AI to understand user preferences and behavior, providing personalized and relevant search results. This means users spend less time searching and more time finding the perfect accommodations. The filters adapt to user behavior, making each search more accurate than the last. 

Uku Tomikas 


Uku Tomikas, CEO of Messente, a go-to business messaging partner for companies that send business-critical messages. His journey has been diverse, from serving as an artillery platoon commander to working as a seafood wholesaler, a high school English teacher, and a yoga instructor.  

“AI technology offers numerous opportunities to enhance customer experience. One of my favorite examples is…”  

AI-driven chatbots. These tools can handle a significant volume of customer inquiries, providing instant responses and solutions 24/7. This not only improves customer satisfaction by reducing wait times but also allows human agents to focus on more complex issues.  

Another remarkable application is AI-powered predictive analytics. By analyzing customer data, AI can predict future behaviors and preferences, enabling businesses to tailor their offerings and communication. For instance, at Messente, we use predictive analytics to optimize messaging campaigns, ensuring that our clients’ messages reach their audience at the most opportune times.  

Furthermore, AI-driven sentiment analysis can gauge customer emotions from interactions. This helps businesses to promptly address negative feedback and improve their services. For example, integrating sentiment analysis into our customer feedback loop has allowed us to make real-time adjustments, enhancing overall customer satisfaction. 

AI technology not only streamlines operations but also personalizes customer interactions, making every touchpoint more meaningful and effective. 

Alex Bekker 


Alex Bekker is the Head of the Data Analytics Department at ScienceSoft

“Excelling at CX is only possible with a deep insight into customer expectations, a structured action plan, and a framework to prove the value of the intended steps. When it comes to CX improvement planning, AI makes all the difference…” 

AI-based customer analytics tools can accurately spot the areas and drivers of frustrating CX, which can help companies correctly interpret causal relationships between various CX factors and implement the right corrective measures quickly. When powered by image and voice intelligence, such tools can instantly process customer behavior data and sentiment from all available sources, offering the depth of CX insights that cannot be reached with non-ML techniques only.  

Predictive customer intelligence enables CX teams to model enhancements on the fly and build precise projections into their quantitative outcomes. It helps exclude low-value ideas early and triage workable CX activities based on the expected business gains.  

AI can also prescribe the CX improvement strategies that promise the optimal cost-benefit ratio, meaning a company can harness both a reduction in customer acquisition costs and an increase in CSAT with inherently high financial outcomes. 

From my experience, companies seeking to introduce AI-first experiences too often jump into AI endeavors just for the sake of trends without a clear idea of their value for clients and businesses. Starting the AI journey with investments in advanced customer analytics would guarantee the informed planning of other AI initiatives and a consistent, value-centered CX strategy. 

 Matt Ramage 


Matt Ramage is the visionary founder of Bruce, a company revolutionizing client interactions in the drug rehab sector through advanced chatbot technology. Matt has over 20 years of experience in the drug rehab industry and 25 years in the tech industry.  

“AI technology, particularly through platforms like Bruce, is already reshaping customer experiences…” 

The integration of 24/7 chat agents on websites not only addresses customer queries but also guides individuals towards seeking help, demonstrating the empathetic and supportive potential of AI in customer interactions. Additionally, AI's ability to analyze users' tones and emotions enables it to respond in a manner that is both empathetic and appropriate, enhancing the overall customer experience. 

By leveraging automation, dynamic content, and proactive engagement, AI technology is poised to revolutionize customer experiences across various industries, including drug rehabilitation. 

AI is increasingly vital to providing an exceptional customer experience, and more use cases continue to emerge that enable companies to create and maintain a competitive edge. As customer expectations evolve in response to the AI revolution, it’s crucial for companies to stay on top of innovative solutions and adopt CX technologies that help them leverage AI to its fullest potential.  

An AI-driven conversation intelligence platform, CallMiner Eureka analyzes 100% of  customer interactions across channels, providing deep insight into customers’ desires, needs, sentiment, and emotion. These insights help to inform product development, enhance the customer experience, improve sales effectiveness, and much more, impacting every facet of modern business operations.  

Frequently asked questions 

How will AI benefit customers? 

AI benefits customers by offering personalized experiences, quick and accurate support, and convenience in accessing services. It can predict needs, suggest relevant products, and provide 24/7 assistance, leading to a more satisfying and seamless interaction with brands. 

What is generative AI for customer engagement? 

Generative AI for customer engagement involves using AI models to create personalized and dynamic content that interacts with customers. This can include generating custom marketing materials, personalized messages, and interactive chat responses, enhancing the way businesses engage with their audience. 

What are the benefits of AI in customer support? 

The benefits of AI in customer support include 24/7 availability, faster response times, and the ability to handle large volumes of inquiries. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can resolve common issues quickly and escalate complex problems to human agents, improving overall efficiency and customer satisfaction. 

How does AI affect customer satisfaction? 

AI affects customer satisfaction by enhancing the quality and speed of service. Personalized recommendations, efficient problem resolution, and proactive support lead to a more positive customer experience. AI's ability to analyze feedback and continuously improve interactions further boosts satisfaction levels. 

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