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What Is Conversation Intelligence Software?

Conversation intelligence software automatically captures, transcribes, analyzes, and gleans insights from spoken and written conversations. Businesses use conversation and brand intelligence software to access deep insights and business intelligence within conversations with customers, employees, patients, partners, and other audiences. By transforming the unstructured information in conversations into structured data that can be searched and analyzed, conversation intelligence software makes it possible to extract value from 100% of conversations to drive business improvement.

What is conversation intelligence software vs. speech analytics or text analytics software?

Speech analytics software transcribes and analyzes spoken conversations, while text analytics software performs the same for written communication. Conversation intelligence platforms use software combines both technologies, making it possible to draw intelligence from every channel where a business interacts with customers: phone, email, chat, SMS text, social, web, and others.

How does conversation intelligence software work?

Conversation intelligence software converts conversations to data by first capturing text-based conversations or audio interactions. Natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning technology transcribe and interpret the language to determine its meaning, while acoustic measurements help identify the emotion behind the conversation. AI-powered processes evaluate the conversation using weighted, rules-based, predictive, and automated scoring technology, transforming the language into machine-readable data. Analytics enables users to search, discover, compare, and report on data to uncover insights, trends, opportunities, and threats.

What are the benefits of conversation intelligence software?

By aggregating and analyzing insight drawn from 100% of customer interactions, conversation intelligence software delivers deep insight into the mindset of customers, employees, and other audiences.

This detail analysis provides many benefits, enabling businesses to:

  • Improve customer service. Conversation intelligence reveals the successes as well as the flaws and failures in customer service efforts, enabling customer service teams to make changes that result in better customer service experiences.
  • Enhance compliance. By monitoring employee conversations with customers at scale, conversation intelligence solutions make it easy to track and demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements and internal standards around language that must or must not be included conversations.
  • Strengthen agent coaching. Conversation intelligence software provides supervisors with a real-time view of agent performance and provides tools to target specific behavior for reinforcement or correction.
  • Optimize the customer journey. As an omnichannel solution, customer intelligence software gives businesses a clear view of the entire customer journey, from first contact through the sales experience and customer support process. With a comprehensive understanding of where customers are happy and where they’re unsatisfied, businesses can take concrete steps to optimize each touchpoint to improve the customer experience.
  • Personalize interactions. With a clear understanding of what customers want, need, and expect, businesses can personalize marketing and customer service conversations to increase conversions, heighten satisfaction, and build customer loyalty.
  • Identify competitive threats and opportunities. Customer intelligence software can track customer opinions of competitors offerings, delivering insight into where business improvement is necessary and where opportunities for gaining competitive advantage exist.

What are the use cases for conversation intelligence software?

  • Sales teams use conversation intelligence software to provide sales reps with a comprehensive view of interactions with each customer and to share real-time suggestions for the most effective way to sell, upsell, or cross-sell product and services.
  • Product teams rely on conversation intelligence software to gain essential insight into how customers use and feel about a product, enabling teams to enhance product development, accelerate innovation, and improve quality control.
  • Marketing leaders turn to conversation intelligence software to better understand how marketing messages, collateral, and campaigns impact and resonate with customers.
  • Finance departments trust conversation intelligence software to reveal where payment processes are breaking down for customers, leading to refinements that remove friction and accelerate financial transactions.

What is conversation intelligence software’s advantage over traditional customer feedback solutions?

For decades, businesses have relied on surveys, focus groups, and manual review of call recordings to gain insight into the customer mindset. While these methods provide some value, they are inherently limited, since they collect feedback from a very small subset of customers. The results of surveys are often skewed by respondents who have an ax to grind or who are evangelists for a brand. Manual review of call recordings is incredibly time-consuming and returns results only long after the conversation is over. In contrast, conversation intelligence software provides near real-time intelligence gathered from 100% of customer conversations across all channels for a complete picture of customers’ wants, needs, opinions, and behavior.

What is conversation intelligence software vs. conversation analytics software?

Conversation analytics is the process through which conversation intelligence is produced. Conversation intelligence software and conversation analytics software are considered the same thing.

What is conversation intelligence software from CallMiner?

CallMiner Eureka is the most comprehensive platform for analyzing omnichannel customer interactions at scale. No other conversation intelligence software provider delivers more customizable solutions or deeper understanding to improve business outcomes. Powered by AI and machine learning technologies, the Eureka platform analyzes conversations at the deepest level and connects the dots between insight and action that leads to business improvement.