Workplace Happiness

The secret to improving workplace happiness

Build a more attractive and supportive workplace with employee feedback captured by the CallMiner Eureka conversation intelligence platform.

Your employees are telling what they want. Are you listening?

At a time when retaining employees is more important but more difficult than ever, many organizations are seeking solutions that can help to create workplace happiness. Employee happiness is critical to keeping employees engaged and satisfied in their work. Happy employees are more productive, too, helping to improve company performance. And happy employees mean happy customers, since workers who are engaged in their jobs are more likely to deliver exceptional customer experiences.

The key to promoting workplace happiness is to truly listen to what employees want and need in their jobs and work environment. Yet, many companies lack the technology to effectively capture the solicited and unsolicited feedback that employees offer in conversations with colleagues, customers, and various departments within the company.

CallMiner can help. The CallMiner Eureka conversation intelligence platform delivers employee experience software that can capture 100% of employee conversations to reveal insights that can help companies take action to build a culture of workplace happiness.

The Forrester Wave™: Conversation Intelligence for Customer Service, Q3, 2023

How conversation intelligence enables workplace happiness

Conversational intelligence is a technology that uses AI and machine learning to extract meaningful insight from unstructured data in conversations. From voice interactions over the phone or on conference calls to text-based conversations via email, chat, social media, SMS, and other channels, conversation intelligence software can capture, transcribe, categorize, analyze, and score every interaction to get a complete picture of an employee’s feelings about their workplace as well as their suggestions, needs, desires, motivations, and opinions.

Armed with this information, businesses can take practical steps to improve the employee experience and increase workplace happiness. These may include:

• Improving training. Providing employees with the right skills and encouragement goes a long way toward creating an environment where workers feel supported and can succeed.

• Creating programs. HR leaders can tailor programs and initiatives that support productivity and improve job satisfaction.

• Enhancing coaching. Conversational intelligence enables more effective real-time and post-interaction coaching for customer-facing employees.

The CallMiner Eureka conversation intelligence platform

CallMiner Eureka is the most powerful platform for understanding the voice of employees at the deepest level. With the ability to capture 100% of employee conversations and reveal meaningful insight from interactions at scale, CallMiner delivers the intelligence companies need to make better business decisions and support workplace happiness.

With CallMiner Eureka, organizations can:

• Analyze and track text and voice interactions across multiple channels. Develop actionable insight by capturing employee feedback with technology that resolves intent and sentiment from ambiguous language.

• Improve coaching and training for customer-facing employees with tools for monitoring, understanding, and optimizing performance at scale. Monitor interactions with customers to identify performance trends and target behavior for guidance or enforcement.

• Issue real-time alerts for sales and contact center employees and their supervisors during conversations with customers. Trigger immediate attention and next-best action guidance to improve the outcome of potentially negative interactions.

• Visually explore analysis of employee interactions through shareable presentations and easy-to-use, interactive reports. See the big picture or drill down into details based on the behavior and performance of individual employees.

• Redact personally identifiable information and sensitive data from voice and text-based interactions to protect privacy and comply with regulations.

Benefits for workplace happiness

By listening to the Voice of the Employee with CallMiner, organizations can:

• Analyze feedback to improve the employee experience. Identify areas of opportunity to better meet employee needs, fulfill expectations, and increase workplace happiness.

• Increase retention. By leveraging emotion scoring, trend analysis, and other tools, employers can improve their understanding of what employees want from their jobs and the workplace, enabling action to improve satisfaction and reduce turnover.

• Build cultures of improvement. Provide employees with clear direction and a path for improvement and advancement with real-time feedback and improved communication.

• Enhance workplace happiness. Create a culture where employees feel involved, engaged, and empowered by tailoring programs and initiatives across departments that support productivity and increase satisfaction.

• Empower business leaders. Deliver insight that leaders and managers can use to create happier and more satisfied employees, increasing performance and boosting the bottom line.

The CallMiner difference

CallMiner Eureka offers the most comprehensive platform for analyzing omnichannel interactions at scale. By evaluating conversations at the deepest level – interpreting nuance and identifying patterns and traits – Eureka allows organizations to identify new areas of opportunity to enhance employee experiences and drive business performance improvement.

With two decades of experience mining billions of hours of customer and employee conversations, CallMiner has built a platform that connects the dots between insight and action, turning insights from conversation intelligence into transformational business change. AI- and ML-powered analytics correlate voice and text-based interactions, even when channels are not integrated within a company’s technology stack. By revealing meaningful insight from conversations at scale, Eureka provides the intelligence and information organizations need to make better business decisions. That’s why the CallMiner platform is trusted by the world’s leading organizations in financial services, insurance, healthcare, travel, hospitality, retail, and other industries.

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Frequently asked questions.

Workplace happiness refers to the satisfaction, contentment, and joy that employees experience with their job and while at work. Workplace happiness is considered a critical metric in the employee experience, since happy workers tend to be more productive, more able to deliver exceptional experiences for customers, and more likely to remain in their position longer.

Conversation intelligence uses AI and machine learning technologies to automatically analyze voice and text-based interactions. By determining the meaning of words and the emotion that drives them, conversation intelligence can reveal deep insights into the mindset of customers, employees, and other audiences.

By analyzing employee interactions that take place via phone, email, chat, video conferences, and other channels, conversation intelligence can produce insight into what matters most to employees, what makes them happy, and where they are experiencing dissatisfaction with their work or employer. Using this information, companies can create plans of action to improve a variety of aspects of the workplace to better meet employee needs and expectations.