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How Do You Measure Brand Experience?

Traditionally, companies have measured brand experience using tools like surveys, focus groups, social media monitoring, and certain brand metrics. Recently, conversation and brand intelligence has emerged as a highly effective way to measure brand experience more accurately and comprehensively.

What is brand experience?

The brand experience is the impressions and feelings an individual or audience has of a brand based on all the interactions with and exposure to the company. These interactions include all the experiences involved in purchasing, using, or consuming products and services along with exposure to the brand through advertising, social media, and media coverage.

What is the difference between brand experience and customer experience?

The customer experience is the sum of an individual’s feelings, thoughts, and impressions as they buy, use, or consume a product or service and interact with a brand’s customer service teams. The brand experience includes customer experience and all the other exposure that customers and noncustomers have to a brand. Essentially, the brand experience promises what to expect from a brand, while the customer experience is about keeping those promises.

What is the importance of brand experience?

Research reveals that customers are likelier to buy products and services from companies that deliver a positive brand experience. Delivering exceptional brand experiences enhances customer relationships and drives higher revenue.

Does brand experience affect loyalty?

Positive brand experiences lead to higher brand loyalty, increased sales, better customer retention, and higher lifetime value. Because the cost of attracting new customers can be up to seven times more expensive than retaining current customers, improving loyalty by delivering better brand experiences can significantly impact the bottom line.

What creates a positive brand experience?

Many things can impact the brand experience. These include:

  • High-quality advertising and marketing campaigns with personalized messaging and offers that engage customers more effectively.
  • Helpful sales associates who understand a customer’s needs and wants.
  • Customer service reps who help resolve issues quickly.
  • Alignment with a brand’s values.
  • Positive feelings about a brand’s personality on social media.
  • How a business handles crisis communications or corrects a mistake.
  • Clear and helpful communication throughout the customer journey.

How do you measure brand experience using surveys?

Surveys provide insight into the brand experience of a wide array of customers and noncustomers. Brands can easily and affordably conduct surveys at various points throughout the customer journey. However, survey data can be skewed by low response rates and by responders who tend to have highly negative or positive feedback to share.

How do you measure band experience using focus groups?

In a brand focus group, brand managers ask questions of a small group of customers to discover their feelings and perceptions about the brand. While focus groups deliver a wealth of data about the participants’ brand awareness and perception, the small sample size of a focus group prevents organizations from understanding the brand experience at scale.

How do you measure brand experience on social media?

Tracking brand mentions on social media can provide real-time insights into an audience’s experience with a brand. Yet, cutting through the noise on social media platforms can be difficult. Social media platforms also represent a fraction of consumers rather than an entire population.

How do you measure brand experience with brand metrics?

Some companies attempt to measure brand experience through a variety of metrics. These include the length of a physical or digital engagement with the brand, customer acquisition and retention rates, Net Promoter Score, product sales, website traffic, content downloads, and social media engagement in likes, comments, and shares. While these data points offer some value and are more comprehensive than other techniques for measuring brand experience, brand metrics can’t provide the level of detail about the brand experience companies need to take concrete action.

What is conversation intelligence?

Conversation intelligence uses machine learning and natural language processing to understand the meaning, intent, and sentiment within spoken and written language. Conversation intelligence tools capture and analyze interactions with customers across all channels, transforming the unstructured information within conversations into structured data that can be combined, searched, and analyzed to deliver deep insight into the wants and needs of customers.

How do you measure brand experience with conversation intelligence?

Conversation intelligence tools can provide comprehensive and accurate insight into the brand experience. Companies can use conversation intelligence to glean insight from 100% of customer conversations across all channels – phone, SMS, chat, email, web surveys, social media, and more. Using conversation intelligence to capture and analyze unsolicited feedback between customers and contact center agents, companies can develop actionable intelligence to tangibly improve the brand experience for each audience segment.

How does CallMiner help measure brand experience?

As the global leader in conversation intelligence that drives business performance improvement, CallMiner delivers the industry’s most comprehensive platform for analyzing omnichannel customer interactions at scale. CallMiner Eureka uses conversation intelligence to analyze 100% of customer conversations across all channels and extract meaningful insights from unstructured data that can improve the brand experience. CallMiner not only understands the meaning and intent of a customer’s speech but also the emotion behind their words. This provides a fuller picture of the customer’s experience with the brand and competing brands.