Employee Experience Software

The right software is key to enhancing employee experiences

The CallMiner Eureka conversation intelligence platform captures and analyzes 100% of employee interactions to provide organizations with deeper insight into the needs and wants of the workforce.

Superior employee experience software relies on conversation intelligence

Most companies today understand that a happy employee is a productive employee and one that will create more positive customer experiences. Yet few companies have solutions in place to truly transform the employee experience. The right employee experience software can help by analyzing feedback from workers and tracking the progress of an organization’s efforts at promoting employee happiness.

The most successful employee experience software uses conversational intelligence technology to automate the process of capturing and analyzing data from interactions with employees. By mining both voice and text-based conversations that take place via phone, videoconferences, chat, email, SMS, web and other channels, conversation intelligence solutions extract meaningful insight and measure emotion and sentiment to identify key drivers of employee satisfaction, engagement, and retention.

CallMiner can help. CallMiner Eureka is a conversation intelligence platform that can simplify and streamline the task of collecting and analyzing solicited and unsolicited feedback from employees to better understand their needs and desires.

The Forrester Wave™: Conversation Intelligence for Customer Service, Q3, 2023

How conversation intelligence improves employee experience software

Conversation intelligence technology uses AI and machine learning to extract meaningful insights from unstructured information in voice and text-based interactions. By capturing, transcribing, categorizing, analyzing, and scoring every conversation with employees, conversation intelligence platforms offer deep insights into how employees feel about their work experiences and what they need to feel happier and more empowered in their jobs.

One of the most effective aspects of conversation intelligence technology is that it can capture unsolicited feedback – comments that employees share in moments of honesty with colleagues, supervisors, HR departments, and other areas of company. By identifying the meaning of an employee’s words and the emotion behind them, conversation intelligence enables companies to truly understand what’s driving an employee’s happiness or dissatisfaction with their job and workplace. This level of objectivity minimizes bias concerns and ensures that organizations are developing programs for improvement based on data collected from all employees, not just those who are extremely happy or unhappy in their work.

The CallMiner Eureka conversation intelligence platform

The CallMiner is the global leader in conversation intelligence technology for driving business improvement. Offering the industry’s most comprehensive platform for analyzing omnichannel interactions at scale, CallMiner’s employee experience software enables organizations to connect the dots between insights and action and identify areas of opportunity for improving employee experience management.

CallMiner’s conversation intelligence platform provides a set of technologies that offer a comprehensive solution for employee experience software. With CallMiner Eureka, organizations can:

• Capture and analyze 100% of employee conversations with CallMiner Analyze. Discover what matters most to employees with omnichannel employee journey mapping that scores performance, tags transcriptions with sentiment and emotion, and delivers insights that can drive engagement, retention, and satisfaction.

• Create cultures of improvement and persistent optimization with CallMiner Coach. With a deeper understanding of interactions between employees and customers, managers can monitor performance trends, identify behavior for guidance or reinforcement, and offer continual coaching to help employees succeed.

• Provide customer-facing employees with real-time guidance and next-best actions from CallMiner RealTime. When interaction indicators suggest that a customer is at risk of churn or that a conversation is headed in the wrong direction, CallMiner can provide employees and supervisors with suggestions that can turn the interaction around and improve outcomes.

• Explore conversation intelligence data with CallMiner Visualize. Interactive and easy-to-use reports enable users to see both the big picture as well as granular detail of employee behavior and performance.

• Protect employee privacy and ensure regulatory compliance with CallMiner Redact. This technology automatically removes personally identifiable information and sensitive numeric data from transcriptions of conversations.

Advantages of CallMiner’s employee experience software

With the employee experience software provided by CallMiner, organizations can:

• Improve employee experiences. CallMiner makes it easy to collect solicited and unsolicited feedback, identifying places where organizations can improve to meet employee needs and expectations more effectively.

• Drive stronger performance. Since happy employees are more productive, organizations can improve overall performance, efficiency, and profitability by focusing on improving employees’ experiences at work.

• Create cultures of improvement. With clear visibility into an employee’s performance and mindset, managers can offer a clear direction and a path for improvement with real-time feedback and better departmental communications.

• Increase retention. CallMiner lets organizations leverage emotion scoring, trend analysis, and other data points to better understand what employees want from their employers and jobs, improving satisfaction and reducing turnover.

Why CallMiner?

The CallMiner Eureka conversation intelligence platform delivers insight faster than any solution on the market. A powerful analytics engine correlates voice and text-based interactions, even when those channels are not integrated. By enabling organizations to analyze employee conversations and customer interactions at scale, CallMiner helps connect the dots between critical insights and the concrete action needed to turn them into business improvement.

CallMiner’s conversation intelligence technology is built on two decades of innovation as well as billions of hours of mining customer conversations for insight. We empower organizations to pivot quickly, decide intelligently, and improve exponentially. That’s why CallMiner is the choice of the world’s leading organizations in healthcare, travel, retail, insurance, financial services, hospitality, and many other industries.

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Frequently asked questions.

The employee experience is comprised of the work a employee performs for a company as well as the interactions they have with colleagues, supervisors, customers, and other entities in the workplace. The employee experience can also be impacted by the workplace environment, the technologies they use, and their feelings about their opportunities for growth, advancement, recognition, and success.

Employee experience software is technology that’s designed to measure and track the experiences of individual employees throughout their time with a given company. By documenting employee feedback and mapping their experiences throughout their employment journey, employee experience software can help employers better understand what workers want from their job, their workplace, and their relationships in it.

Conversation intelligence is a technology that can capture and analyze conversations that happen in calls, chat, email, SMS, social media, web, and other channels. Using artificial intelligence and machine learning, conversation intelligence solutions determine the meaning and intent in a speaker’s words and the emotion that drives their communication and behavior. Transforming the unstructured information in conversations into structured data, conversation intelligence enables companies to better understand the needs, desires, motivations, and behavior of customers, employees, patients, and other audiences.