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Maximizing customer experience in the omnichannel era


The Team at CallMiner

February 09, 2024

omnichannel customer service
omnichannel customer service

The transition from traditional call-based centers to diverse, omnichannel contact centers is here to stay. Omnichannel service transcends the conventional multichannel approach by integrating different modes of communication, closing the technology gaps between them. This integration minimizes repetitive information and maximizes agent performance, ensuring customer information can seamlessly transitions between channels.

However, most contact centers aren’t optimized to take advantage of omnichannel data and insights, and apply it to business improvements. Not only is it hard, there is also simply too much data at their disposal. In fact, 68% of the 2023 CallMiner CX Landscape Report respondents say the customer experience (CX) data they collect is often not harnessed to their organization’s best advantage.

Navigating the Modern Omnichannel Contact Center
Navigating the Modern Omnichannel Contact Center
Learn how to use channel-specific insights to improve efficiency, enhance CX, and make data-driven business decisions
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The limitations of traditional CX feedback methods

Currently, most organizations rely heavily on solicited feedback, like surveys, which captures only a portion of the customer’s overall experience. Solicited feedback often misses out on the nuances of daily customer interactions. Instead, unsolicited feedback, such as the conversations that happen within a customer service or contact center, provides a treasure trove of customer opinions and an untapped opportunity for enhancing CX.

In an omnichannel contact center, unsolicited feedback is especially valuable. Different communication channels cater to different customer needs. Understanding how and why customers use each channel — along with trends in what they’re saying — can improve the overall customer journey and remove friction.

  • Phone: Often used by customers seeking immediate problem resolution, typically with a sense of urgency
  • Chat: Attracts digitally savvy customers who value quick responses and may be multitasking
  • Email and helpdesk tickets: Suited for those who can wait for responses to complex issues
  • Self-service: Over half of consumers prefer resolving issues independently, utilizing digital self-service channels and automated systems
  • Social media: Often the platform for extreme feedback, either positive or negative, and requires swift responses to prevent potential public relations crises

Leveraging AI for insightful omnichannel feedback analysis

AI-powered solutions like conversation intelligence play a crucial role in developing an omnichannel listening strategy. Through detailed customer feedback analysis, teams can track a customer's journey across channels and use insights from specific channels to enhance other areas.

For instance, chat feedback can inform improvements in digital or self-service options, including website layouts and frequently asked questions (FAQs). Additionally, understanding the reasons behind customer interactions helps in both staffing allocation and service improvements.

Conversation intelligence works by collecting and analyzing this omnichannel data at scale. These systems can unveil insights that reduce customer effort, optimize agent performance, and inform marketing or product development efforts. These platforms provide context into customer interactions, helping teams understand nuances like sentiment, emotions, and contact drivers. They can reveal important dynamics of customer interactions, like silence times and average handle times, offering critical information for training and improving agent performance.

Here are just a few examples of how omnichannel listening can lead to significant improvements in both customer and employee experience:

  • Optimizing self-service: Refining FAQs and self-service options based on common customer queries
  • Improving agent satisfaction: Using feedback to boost agent confidence and job satisfaction
  • Staffing adjustments: Aligning staffing levels with interaction frequencies for better coverage
  • Cross-functional enhancements: Sharing insights across departments to improve sales, marketing and product development outcomes
  • Refining the customer journey: Making necessary changes to reduce friction points in the customer journey

The importance of omnichannel visibility

Visibility into all types of customer interactions, both solicited and unsolicited, is crucial for a thorough understanding of your customers. This visibility allows your organization to uncover valuable insights, leading to enhanced customer satisfaction and improved agent morale.

By embracing the omnichannel approach and effectively using AI-based tools for feedback analysis, organizations can significantly improve CX. This holistic view of customer interactions not only benefits customers, but also enriches the working environment for contact center agents, ultimately leading to a more satisfied and loyal customer base.

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