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Infusing product development with customer feedback

The CallMiner Eureka conversation intelligence platform makes it easy glean insight from 100% of conversations with customers across all channels.

Building a customer-centric product development process

Customer feedback is central to the new product development process. From inspiring new products and features to identifying shortcomings and competitive weaknesses, comments from customers can optimize product development and help to focus product research and investments.

Yet, creating a customer-centric product development process is not an easy feat. Capturing accurate and comprehensive customer feedback remains a challenge for most product development teams. Methods like surveys, focus groups, and user testing draw insight from an extraordinarily small sample of customers, and the feedback is likely to be skewed by highly vocal customers with extremely positive or negative comments. Calls between customers and contact center agents can be a gold mine of unsolicited feedback, but these interactions are traditionally difficult to capture and analyze at scale.

CallMiner Eureka can help. As the global leader in conversation intelligence technology, CallMiner enables product teams to capture and analyze 100% of customer interactions across all channels, delivering the intelligence required for customer-centric product development.

The Forrester Wave™: Conversation Intelligence for Customer Service, Q3, 2023

Improving products with customer feedback

Conversation intelligence technology is powerful tool in customer-centric product development. A conversation intelligence platform uses AI and machine learning to capture, transcribe, categorize, analyze, and score interactions with customers on any channel. With a superior platform, product development teams can gather feedback and insight from interactions via phone, chat, email, surveys, SMS, social media, websites, and other channels.

By aggregating customer comments across channels, conversation intelligence allows product teams to easily identify trends and patterns that point to improvements that will make products better. Conversation intelligence can also reveal product shortcomings as well as safety and quality issues that can be quickly addressed to avoid larger problems. Consumer feedback can help teams refine product development strategy and enhance product experience management (PXM), leading to changes and innovation that ultimately align products with customers’ needs and market demand.

The CallMiner Eureka conversation intelligence platform

CallMiner Eureka is the industry’s most comprehensive platform for analyzing omnichannel interactions to support customer-centric product development. By analyzing interactions of the deepest levels to interpret nuance and identify patterns, Eureka instantly reveals insights about what customers want and need in a product, what drives customer sentiment and emotion, and what can improve their product experience.

CallMiner Eureka uses weighted, rules-based, automated scoring to convert unstructured information in interactions into structured data that can be searched and analyzed. Capturing customer comments across every channel, CallMiner enables product development teams to:

Build a customer-centric product development process. By delivering customer insight at every stage of the product planning and development process, CallMiner puts customers’ wants, needs, opinions, and suggestions squarely in the middle of product development.

Address quality and safety concerns. Insight from CallMiner can serve as an early warning system, alerting teams to safety issues and identifying problems with quality. By responding quickly to these customer insights and comments, product teams can avoid business emergencies and brand crises. Analyzing customer sentiment across ratings and review sites can reveal gaps in the product experience to be addressed.

Drive innovation. Customer comments can inspire new features, products, and services. Product teams can drive product development and innovation by analyzing solicited and unsolicited feedback for customer suggestions, and pinpointing the drivers of those suggestions to discover adjacent opportunities for innovation. Customer insights can also help prioritize areas of focus and investment in product roadmaps.

Identify competitive threats and weaknesses. By capturing competitor mentions in reviews and ratings of competing products, CallMiner can reveal competitive strengths and weaknesses as well as competitive threats.

Tools for customer-centric product development

CallMiner offers a comprehensive set of tools and solutions for creating a customer-centric product development process. Our platform includes:

Analyze. As the centerpiece of the Eureka platform, CallMiner Analyze provides the technology to automatically capture and score 100% of calls, email, chat, websites, social media, and other text-based interactions.

Coach. By enabling managers to monitor and understand agent behavior, CallMiner Coach helps to automate agent performance improvement and create a persistent culture of optimization.

Alert. When contact center calls are at risk of taking a negative turn, CallMiner Alert notifies agents and managers and provides real-time guidance for turning calls around and improving the customer experience.

Capture. CallMiner Capture improves transcriptions and redaction with high-fidelity, speaker-separated audio to power quicker and more accurate speech analytics.

Visualize. Product teams can see and share customer insights with CallMiner Visualize, an interactive tool for visually exploring conversation intelligence data.

Redact. Many conversations with customers contain sensitive data and personally identifiable information. CallMiner Redact automatically identifies and removes this data to protect privacy and ensure compliance.

Record. As a full-featured recorder, CallMiner Record delivers live monitoring and instantaneous playback to drive improved transcription and analytics.

Screen Record. Managers and agents can gain more visibility into every aspect of interactions with customers with CallMiner Screen Record.

Why CallMiner?

The technology that powers the CallMiner platform was developed over two decades of innovation and billions of hours of customer conversations mined for insight. Today, CallMiner is the choice of the world’s leading organizations in industries such as retail, healthcare, insurance, financial services, travel, hospitality, and more.

With turnkey integrations and automated features, the Eureka platform delivers insights that matter most, faster than any other solution on the market. Our value-added benefits include:

Solution Catalogues that automatically mine critical insights for particular use cases while minimizing time and effort.

Language packs that offer support for transcription, redaction, and speech analysis in multiple languages.

Accelerator, an intensive and personalized training program for analysts that speeds learning.

Playbooks, step-by-step guides for achieving ROI with CallMiner Eureka. • Speaker separation that enables analytics to be parsed by customer and agent speakers, thanks to a mono-to-stereo audio call recording converter.

CallMiner Customer Connect, an enthusiastic community of users that serves as an excellent source of crowdsourced support and innovation.

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Frequently asked questions.

Customer-centric product development uses customer feedback to guide ideation, conceptualization, design, and testing of new products. In a customer-centric product development process, product teams strive to incorporate the widest range of customer comments from as many channels as possible.

To collect customer feedback, product teams have traditionally relied on focus groups, user testing, surveys, and recordings of contact center calls. Most teams have difficulty extracting accurate, comprehensive, and meaningful insight with these methods, as they are inherently difficult to scale and limited to an extremely small sample size of customers. That’s why more product teams today are turning to conversation intelligence technology to build a truly customer-centric product development process.

Conversation intelligence uses AI and machine learning to capture, analyze, and score conversations with customers across all channels. By revealing the meaning and intent of a speaker’s words as well as the sentiment and emotion behind them, conversation intelligence technology provides product teams with customer insights based on 100% of interactions with customers, rather than a small fraction.


We implemented CallMiner to achieve faster time to insights with our analytics. We can pull comprehensive, ad-hoc reports for stakeholders on important CX-centric KPIs on the fly.

Robin Gomez

Director of customer care innovation, Radial