Journey Mapping Software

How to create exceptional customer journeys

Understand your customers’ wants, needs, and opinions with the CallMiner Eureka conversation analytics and journey mapping software.

Unlock insight with superior journey mapping software

Understanding what your customers want and how they feel about your brand is the most effective way to win their business. A customer journey map offers invaluable insight into where customers are interacting with your company, how they feel about those interactions, and what you can do to make the buying journey faster, easier, and more satisfying.

Customer experience journey mapping identifies all the touchpoints on various buying journeys and captures information about what your customers want, how they feel, and how they behave at each point of contact. That adds up to a ton of data – which is where superior journey mapping software can help. With the right solution, you can easily collect data from interactions with customers across every channel and analyze it to produce insight that can help you make improvements throughout the customer journey.

The CallMiner Eureka conversation analytics platform offers journey mapping that’s fueled by industry-leading technology for capturing and analyzing customer interactions across channels. With CallMiner, you can better understand your customers and win their loyalty.

The Forrester Wave™: Conversation Intelligence for Customer Service, Q3, 2023

How journey mapping works

A customer journey map begins with identifying a buyer persona and the touchpoints involved as they move from first contact with your brand to receiving communications, interacting online, making a purchase, seeking support, writing reviews, and hopefully continuing to choose your products and services. Journey mapping software presents this information in a visual way that makes it easier to track the journey for each persona.

A journey map tool can also help with the most important part of customer journey visualization – understanding your customers’ emotions and opinions about your brand at each stage of the journey. This data must answer a number of critical questions: How does the customer feel about your product, your brand, the way you communicate, and the buying process? Do their interactions with your company leave them happy, unimpressed, or frustrated? Are they recommending your products to their friends or writing negative reviews on social media?

By collecting, aggregating, analyzing, and visualizing your customers’ feelings, desires, and behavior, superior journey mapping software delivers deeper insight into steps you can take to create better customer experiences.

The CallMiner journey mapping software

The CallMiner Eureka conversation analytics platform enables you to analyze 100% of customer conversations with automated journey mapping software and business intelligence. AI and ML-powered analytics correlate text-based and audio interactions – including live and recorded audio, text interactions, chat, email, and metadata – even when channels are not integrated.

Eureka’s customer journey analytics analyze every interaction at the deepest levels, interpreting nuance and identifying patterns that reveal new customer insights. Automated performance scoring, emotion metrics, and AI-driven topic discovery transform customer conversations into actionable data for enhancing the customer journey.

The Eureka conversation analytics platform features a set of customer journey mapping tools that simplify the task of gathering, aggregating, analyzing, and visualizing customer journey data.

Analyze transcribes, categorizes, and scores every interaction, turning conversations with customers into valuable business intelligence. Analyze automatically maps the multichannel customer journey across web, chat, social media, SMS, and contact center calls, revealing unexpected insights into the customer experience.

Visualize makes it easy to visually explore conversation analytics and customer journey data. With Visualize, you can create shareable presentations and drill down into details about customer behavior, agent performance, process challenges, and other root-cause indicators.

Redact protects the personal information of customers by automatically removing sensitive data.

Alert automatically notifies agents or supervisors during crucial moments in contact center calls. By monitoring emotion and triggering immediate attention for at-risk customers, Alert helps to de-escalate emerging issues, improve conversation outcomes, and turn potentially negative interactions into positive customer experiences.

Coach automates agent performance improvement by identifying behavior for guidance or reinforcement.

The CallMiner integrated product suite

With CallMiner’s integrated suite of journey mapping software, you can:

• Gain a deeper understanding of the buying experience by viewing the journey through your customers’ eyes.

• Target interactions and touchpoints where changes can enhance the customer experience and eliminate obstacles and friction to a satisfying customer journey.

• Provide actionable intelligence for sales, marketing, and customer service teams that can help to deliver a consistent experience throughout the customer journey.

• Discover opportunities for engaging customers at key pain points that can hasten conversion and build greater loyalty.

• Implement performance improvement to deliver better customer service that builds loyalty and increases customer lifetime value.

Why customers choose CallMiner

CallMiner offers the most powerful platform that helps organizations to meet all their business goals. By reviewing meaningful insight from customer interactions at scale, we provide the intelligence organizations need to make better business decisions. As the global leader in conversation analytics, our platform is powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning that interprets emotion and identifies patterns to drive deeper understanding from every conversation. By connecting the dots between insights and action, we help identify areas of opportunity for business improvement, growth, and transformational change more effectively than ever before. That’s why the CallMiner platform is trusted by the world’s leading organizations across many industries, including financial services, insurance, healthcare, retail, travel and hospitality, and more.

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Frequently asked questions.

Customer journey mapping is a technique for visualizing the paths that customers take from first contact with the brand through final purchase as well as post-purchase care and support. By identifying how customers feel about each point of interaction along the journey, companies can take steps to improve the customer experience at every touchpoint and move customers more effectively toward conversion and brand loyalty.

Journey mapping software simplifies the process of defining customer journeys and collecting data about customers’ thoughts and feelings about their interactions with a brand. Superior journey mapping software should automate the process of collecting and analyzing vast amounts of data from conversations across all channels.

Conversation analytics is an AI-powered technology that allows companies to analyze interactions with customers across all channels to better understand a customer’s mindset, opinions, and emotions about a brand. Conversation analytics converts unstructured data from conversations or from text-based channels like email, chat, web, SMS, and social media into structured data, enabling this information to be easily analyzed, searched, and explored for insight.


CallMiner's insights created visibility across the customer journey to direct and indirect touchpoints that impact the CX. Real, cross-functional insights help us increase sales, grow and retain customers, and bring new products to life.

Robin Gomez

Director of customer care innovation, Radial


CallMiner helps us see our data in the context of the entire customer journey – from pre-purchase, to fulfillment, to post-purchase (and ideally long-term loyalty).

Robin Gomez

Director of customer care innovation, Radial