Customer Service Analytics

Enhance CX with customer service analytics

Gain deeper insight into the drivers of customer behavior and satisfaction with the CallMiner Eureka conversation analytics platform.

Deliver superior customer service across channels

Customers today interact with your brand on every channel – social media, email, telephone, live chat, the web, and others. When they need customer service or support, they expect to reach your contact center on the channels of their choice.

Delivering omnichannel customer service, however, is not an easy feat. Most CRM systems and contact center solutions weren’t designed to meet the challenges of capturing and unifying customer data across an ever-growing number of channels. As a result, customers routinely experience frustrations like needing to re-authenticate or re-tell their story every time they move to a new channel or speak with another agent.

The right customer service analytics platform can help. By capturing 100% of customer conversations across channels and providing agents and call centers with a complete view of each customer’s journey, a superior analytics solution improves the customer experience and CSAT while increasing contact center efficiency.

For companies seeking a superior customer service analytics solution, CallMiner offers the industry’s leading conversation analytics technology in the Eureka platform.

The Forrester Wave™: Conversation Intelligence for Customer Service, Q3, 2023

Transforming customer service with conversation analytics

Conversation analytics enables customer data from every channel to flow easily throughout your contact center, even when you can’t physically integrate your channels of communication. Conversation analytics captures every conversation with a customer on every channel, converting the unstructured information in those interactions into structured data that can be searched and analyzed.

In addition to determining the meaning of interactions and tagging specific words and phrases, conversation analytics uses advanced acoustical measurements to gauge a customer’s emotion – a key driver of behavior and satisfaction.

As a result, conversation analytics provides essential insight into the mindset of customers, enabling you to better understand how they feel about every customer service interaction as well as every touchpoint on their buying journey. Armed with this information, you can take proactive steps to deliver a better experience throughout the customer’s journey while also driving improvements to contact center efficiency and agent performance with automated call center scorecards.

The CallMiner Eureka conversation analytics platform

As a global leader in conversation analytics, CallMiner has built a customer service analytics platform based on nearly two decades of expertise and the insight from mining billions of hours of customer conversations. Our Eureka platform automates the process of capturing and analyzing customer interactions across channels and extracting meaningful insights from unstructured data to drive action.

Eureka captures, transcribes, analyzes, and scores audio and text-based interactions, delivering a rich source of unsolicited evidence that can drive awareness, optimization, and innovation. With the CallMiner customer service analytics, you can:

• Provide agents with a single view of each customer’s journey with historical contextual analysis.

• Allow agents to easily view previous or subsequent interactions with the same customer.

• Identify the root cause of repeat contacts, improving first contact resolution across multiple channels.

• Capture information across a wide variety of platforms.

• Surpass the boundaries of informational and technological silos to capture insight from 100% of customer interactions.

• Offer service on any channel a customer chooses.

• Take advantage of automated journey mapping to understand and optimize the paths your customers take from first contact to conversion.

• Track performance of agents and groups against call center metrics and industry standards.

• Successfully manage and support work-from-home call center agents with access to real-time and post-call analytics.

Components of the CallMiner customer service analytics solution

The CallMiner customer service analytics solution offers a comprehensive set of tools for capturing, analyzing, and sharing information from customer interactions.

Analyze transcribes, categorizes, and scores every interaction to deliver better business intelligence. Discover what matters most with automated customer journey mapping that scores performance, tags transcriptions with sentiment and emotion, and delivers customer insights to drive business growth.

Visualize offers the tools to explore call center analytics data and create shareable presentations. Drill down into details that reveal insights about customer behaviors, agent performance, and other root cause indicators.

Alert delivers real-time guidance to drive better outcomes in conversations with customers at risk. Eureka automatically notifies agents or supervisors based on indicators that suggest a potentially negative experience for a customer.

Coach enables supervisors to better monitor, understand, and optimize agent performance at scale. With a deep understanding of customer interactions, supervisors can target agent behavior for reinforcement or guidance.

Capture makes it possible to capture high-fidelity, speaker-separated audio, enabling quicker and more accurate speech analytics.

Redact removes sensitive numeric data and personally identifiable information from audio and text-based conversations automatically.

Why CallMiner?

CallMiner Eureka is the industry’s most comprehensive platform for analyzing omnichannel customer interactions at scale. Automated performance scoring, emotion metrics, and AI-driven topic discovery reveal deeper insights and drive improvement within and beyond the contact center.

Our Eureka platform is:

Trusted by the world’s leading organizations. Real-time and post-interaction scoring deliver the insight companies need to experience and drive contact center efficiency.

Customizable through turnkey integrations. Our platform provides insight faster than any other solution thanks to value-added benefits such as solution packs, language packs, and Playbooks that provide step-by-step guides for achieving ROI.

Focused on customer success. We establish a dedicated support team for each account, and our active customer community is an invaluable source of crowdsourced support, innovation, and call center customer service tips.

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Frequently asked questions.

Customer service analytics provides insight into the interactions between a company and its customers. Customer service analytics measures how well and how quickly a customer’s needs are met when interacting with a brand and how customers feel about that interaction. Analytics also measure the efficiency and performance of contact centers and agents, helping to reduce costs and drive business improvement.

Conversation analytics is a technology for capturing and analyzing customer conversations across all channels – including telephone, chat, email, web, social, SMS, and surveys. By transcribing, analyzing, categorizing, and scoring every customer interaction, conversation analytics provides deeper insight into what customers want and how they feel about a brand. Conversation analytics can also track the performance of contact center agents, enabling more effective training and coaching.

One of the most important KPIs for contact centers is First Call Resolution (FCR), the percentage of customer needs that were satisfied during the initial contact. Average Handle Time (AHT) measures the average amount of time spent resolving customer issues. Net Promoter Score (NPS) measures the likelihood that a customer will recommend a brand, product, or service to a friend. And Customer Effort Score (CES) measures the length to which a customer must resort to resolve their issues.


We looked at customers who had churned out, using CallMiner to examine the customer journey timeline to identify where issues occurred. As a result, we have a 16% reduction in churn by having agents do a better job on the phone.

Carl Stuerke

Director of Operations, Slimware Utilities