Customer experience journey mapping

Better CX begins with customer experience journey mapping

The CallMiner Eureka conversation analytics platform delivers best-of-breed solutions for mapping journeys and enhancing experiences.

The power of customer experience journey mapping

The customer experience is everything today – and for good reason. The quality of a customer’s experience with your brand is one of the largest factors in whether they’ll make a purchase, recommend you to a friend, or leave a positive review. Brands that deliver exceptional experiences and helpful customer journeys are bound to win and retain more customers.

Customer experience journey mapping can help you see your relationship from the customer’s perspective. By charting the various ways that customers interact with you and how they feel about each encounter, you get a clear-eyed view of where you’re excelling – and where you’re coming up short.

Mapping experiences on the customer journey is a complex task. To fully understand your customer’s perspective, you’ll need vast amounts of data from the many points of contact in an omnichannel customer experience. You’ll want information about every touchpoint on every channel. And more importantly, you’ll need insight into whether customers were impressed, satisfied, frustrated, or driven to tears by their interactions with your brand. That’s where analytics and sales intelligence software from CallMiner can help.

The Forrester Wave™: Conversation Intelligence for Customer Service, Q3, 2023

Why map the customer journey?

Customer experience journey mapping offers enormous advantages for your relationships with your customers. With the right customer journey mapping software, you can:

• See every stage of the buying experience from your customer’s perspective.

• Use customer journey analytics to understand where your marketing efforts and communication are successful and where there are opportunities to improve.

• Uncover hidden frustrations and obstacles in the customer journey you may not have previously understood.

• Get insight and intelligence that can unite your marketing, sales, and customer service teams around plans to create a more consistent and positive experience across all touchpoints and channels.

• Learn about new opportunities to impress customers, address their pain points, and satisfy their needs.

• Increase conversion rates by minimizing negative experiences and creating a more frictionless customer journey.

• Improve customer retention by delivering exceptional service and improving contact center performance.

• Measure performance across channels, departments, campaigns, and lines of business.

CallMiner’s Eureka conversation analytics platform

CallMiner is a pioneer and industry leader in conversation analytics designed to drive business performance improvement. Powered by artificial intelligence and machine learning, CallMiner provides the most comprehensive platform for analyzing omnichannel customer interactions at scale.

CallMiner enhances customer experience journey mapping with technology that analyzes emotion and identifies patterns in every conversation to reveal a deep understanding of a customer’s feelings about their experience with a brand.

The comprehensive set of customer journey and call center analytics on the Eureka platform enables you to capture, transcribe, categorize, and score every conversation on all the touchpoints where you interact with customers. By reviewing calls, emails, surveys, chats, SMS, and social interactions, Eureka’s journey map tool allows you to understand your customer’s mindset at every stage of the journey to identify customer pain points and opportunities for enhancing the customer experience.

Integrated solutions to understand the customer journey

The CallMiner Eureka platform is comprised of a set of advanced, best-of-breed technologies.

Analyze provides auto-scored insight for every voice and text-based interaction. With analyze, you can determine root-cause analysis, score performance, tag transcriptions with sentiment and emotion, and deliver customer insights that drive business growth.

Visualize enables you to explore conversation analytics and customer journey data through shareable presentations that provide both the big picture and the most impactful details.

Alert provides immediate awareness of next-best actions to turn around a negative customer experience and take advantage of opportunities to enhance the customer experience.

Coach enables supervisors to identify performance trends, target behavior for guidance or reinforcement, and create a persistent culture of improvement.

Redact identifies and removes sensitive numeric data from audio and text-based conversations to protect customer information and comply with privacy regulations.

Why CallMiner?

CallMiner is the most powerful platform for meeting all your business goals. With customizable solutions that deliver a deeper understanding of customers, CallMiner delivers the intelligence needed to make better business decisions. Our technology expertise spans nearly two decades, during which we have mined billions of hours of customer conversations.

The CallMiner platform provides:

Accelerated time to improvement. Take action to improve business outcomes with AI-driven search features, real-time and post-call analytics, and unmatched accuracy.

A clear view of what matters to customers. Our technology analyzes and auto scores the details of customer interactions, correlates them across multiple channels and categorizes them for ease, effectiveness, and emotion.

A focus on your success. We offer a dedicated support team for every account, along with an active customer community and crowdsourced innovation.

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Frequently asked questions.

A customer journey is the set of steps or points of interaction that customers have with the company as they consider buying a product or service. Customer journeys usually start with the first awareness and may end with the first purchase. Some customer journeys continue after purchase and include interactions about customer service, technical support, reviews of products, and additional sales opportunities.

Customer experience journey mapping is the practice of visualizing each point on the customer journey and determining what the customer’s experience Is like at each touchpoint. By better understanding what customers think and feel about their interactions at each stage of the journey, companies can optimize touchpoints to enhance the experience and make the journey more successful.

Customer experience journey mapping software should automate many of the tasks of creating and analyzing a customer experience journey map. Superior journey mapping software uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to convert audio and text-based conversations from unstructured information into structured data that can be analyzed for meaning and actionable intelligence. Mapping software should also include visualizations and interactive reports that enable stakeholders to explore the data in a variety of ways.


CallMiner's insights created visibility across the customer journey to direct and indirect touchpoints that impact the CX. Real, cross-functional insights help us increase sales, grow and retain customers, and bring new products to life.

Robin Gomez

Director of customer care innovation, Radial


CallMiner helps us see our data in the context of the entire customer journey – from pre-purchase, to fulfillment, to post-purchase (and ideally long-term loyalty).

Robin Gomez

Director of customer care innovation, Radial