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Only at LISTEN: An AI Perspective from Outside the Cave


Richard Britt

October 29, 2019

looking out of a cave
looking out of a cave

If you live in a cave, caves are what you know. It becomes your existence, your totality of experience. But a strange thing can happen when you venture outside. You learn new things, have different experiences, ones that better equip you for life inside the cave.

Why am I telling you this? Because the cave is a great metaphor for how many industries set about trying to solve their problems. They have an insular view of the world where only their issues exist. They stay within their comfort zone. This approach is limiting. It is an obstacle to realizing the full potential of a technology. It is the opposite approach of what we do at CallMiner.

People are often caught off guard when I tell them that we don’t pursue AI to create a new product or solve a specific contact center problem. We push the envelope with AI to first discover what’s possible and unleash its potential unabridged. Then we apply this powerful tool towards creating a better customer experience.

We work outside the cave. It is our belief that the more experiences we incorporate into our research, the stronger the output is on the other end. By not limiting ourselves to the world of the contact center we discover how to solve complex problems with AI. These lessons can then be applied with the benefit of a stronger, more capable solution.

Listen up!

For those attending this year’s LISTEN conference, you will experience firsthand the method in which AI is developed and applied within CallMiner. This year represents our most complete and advanced AI track to date with an AI-centric keynote and four dedicated AI sessions ranging from moderate to expert level. In addition, our AI/Data Science Team will have their very own “AI Think Tank” where attendees can schedule a session to discuss current or future data initiatives.

Our opening keynote, delivered by yours truly, will delve into the relationship between humans and machines. How can we use AI to better communicate with our mechanical counterparts? How do we teach machines to understand?

From there we will venture into areas such as sentiment and emotion. We all know that things sometimes get lost in translation. Imagine the disconnect that exists between humans and machines.

We’ll pursue how AI and machine learning can be applied to drive velocity to vision. If you are wondering how CallMiner uses machine learning to enable products to achieve insights more quickly this is the session for you.

For organizations struggling to harness the power of your data. We have a presentation for that too. We’ll inject a bit of humor into a very complex topic and highlight how AI and machine learning may be the answer you are looking for.

For the advanced AI students out there, we’ll have a session that explores the math and logic behind the curtain. Breakdown how it all works and how you can implement for better, faster results.

When you walk away from LISTEN, if nothing else, you will have a better understanding that first and foremost, CallMiner employees have an incredible research team that is at the leading edge of AI work. That we are taking the product into the future very quickly and transforming in just the right way for customers. And finally, it’s good to step outside the cave from time to time. You will be amazed at what great things are happening.

Want to learn more about how AI can improve the customer experience? Download our whitepaper on this topic today!

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