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Richard Britt

Vice President of Artificial Intelligence

Rick Britt is CallMiner's former Vice President of Artificial Intelligence. Over his career, Rick has worked in operations and analytics for some of the largest financial institutions, BPO’s and for a brief stint, marketing agencies, but his passion for people and behaviors has always brought him back to call center related analytics. He holds a BS degree in Economics from the Pennsylvania State University.

News Coverage

Five Tips to Become an Effective Ally in the Contact Center

June 15, 2022 by Richard Britt, Vice President of Artificial Intelligence

Rick Britt, VP of AI, explores how individuals and organizations alike are consider advancing allyship, and shares five ways to be a more effective ally within the contact center.

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How to make "data-driven" more than jargon in your organization

July 02, 2021 by Richard Britt, Vice President of Artificial Intelligence

A byline from Rick Britt, CallMiner's VP of AI, shares why collecting data alone doesn’t make you data-driven. He offers tips for how organizations can take the necessary steps to clean, define, store, and analyze data for customer insights.

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The Potential Pitfalls of DIY Speech Analytics

March 07, 2019 by Richard Britt, Vice President of Artificial Intelligence

Organizations are building in-house data science or Artificial Intelligence teams to use emerging technology and techniques to harness the power of their data. With the growth of these internal data science teams, companies want greater control of all aspects their data programs so they’re more nim [...]

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