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CX Analytics Summit London Was a Jolly Good Time


Frank Sherlock

March 25, 2019

CX Summit London - London city scape
CX Summit London - London city scape

Last month we held our CX Analytics Summit in London to great success. This was the first time this event was held in the UK and we were excited to share with both clients, partners and prospects the latest products and solutions. The event featured speakers from CallMiner experts and customers Cabot and DLG who shared their stories of analytics success.  Also, like our LISTEN event, it gave attendees the opportunity to network with their peers and discuss how speech analytics can transform their business.

As we conducted our summit in the UK I was delighted to see the continued shift in the customer analytics industry, which is still often referred to as speech analytics, but has evolved to so much more than that. Let me elaborate: For many years CallMiner has been passionate about educating the call and contact centre industry as to what speech analytics was, how it worked and where it could be applied to support their business goals and objectives. Now we find an industry that has not only realized the importance of speech analytics for quality assurance and compliance, but its value for overall customer experience, agent performance and sales effectiveness.

So now with the table set, let me tell you a little more about the CX Analytics Summit London. The event had a comprehensive agenda over the day and half. Day one was workshops for current customers featuring syntax searching and the Six Sigma DEMAIC Process. Day two was open to all and covered topics in the morning mainstage and afternoon breakouts on everything from living in the age of customer experience, CallMiner product roadmap, how to get the most from a deployment in the first 90 days, and emerging uses for artificial intelligence.

Four key takeaways from the event.

1. The UK market is ready to take off

We had over 90 attendees who chose to spend their time with us learning and networking on making their business better through customer engagement analytics. There was a mix of analysts, contact centre directors and C-Level executives who were invested in how speech analytics is a strategic technology that has shown ROI, as well as increase in NPS scores, lessened compliance risk, and better agent productivity. This investment will continue to grow in the next few years as speech analytics is seen as customer experience asset by it’s use of unsolicited feedback to enhance overall business through Voice of the Customer and Voice of the Employee programs.

2. Education

The thirst for knowledge, covering industry analysts opinions all the way to be best way to build syntax on Eureka was tremendous to witness. Every session was highly interactive, lots of questions were raised and answered. We ran over 20 individual sessions across the 2 days, we had fantastic attendance and engagement in each

3. Community

We had formal evening networking sessions were attendees had the opportunity to socialise and interact. The energy in the networking sessions was fantastic, nobody left early, many details were exchanged and I am sure lasting business relationships created. Our ability to bring a speech analytics community together has been proven in our on-line forum Engagement Optimization and our annual user group event, Listen. To see it happening in London was inspiring.

4. Diversity

We discussed many different use cases, such compliance, agent performance and vulnerability in post call and real time. We had many different verticals represented from Travel and Tourism, through to Financial services. The diversity of use cases and verticals endorsed that the market is here and the challenges organisations are facing are prime candidates for our solutions.

We were supported in the event by key personnel from our US Headquarters, partners in Aspect, Nuance, IP Integration and Ember Services and we also had guest speakers from Direct Line and Cabot Financial.

The event feedback, yes we ask for solicited feedback too, has been overwhelming positive and we are already thinking of the timing for our next UK summit. Many thanks to all involved in making this success but especially our customers,  partners, and attendees and our marketing team without whose hard work the summit would have not taken place.

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