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Top marketing analytics presentations


The Team at CallMiner

December 01, 2017

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close up of womans hands reviewing analytics on tablet

Updated May 31, 2022

Marketing analytics involves measuring, managing, and analyzing marketing performance data to make it as effective as possible and optimize return on investment (ROI). Marketers also use analytics to gain insights into customer behavior, preferences, and trends. For all of the benefits of using marketing analytics, many companies and senior marketing executives continue to struggle with implementing marketing analytics and using analytics tools effectively.

We’ve rounded up 50 of the top marketing analytics presentations for you, so you can learn from the experts, examine case studies, and see what the software companies have to offer to help you maximize your marketing potential. We’ve also listed our presentations alphabetically to make your search a little easier. Thus, our top 50 marketing analytics presentations are not ranked or rated by order of importance or quality.

1. 10 Steps to Actionable Analytics for Digital Marketing


Smart Insights is a publisher and learning platform helping marketers plan, manage, and optimize their marketing efforts using their guides, playbooks, and eLearning modules. Their SlideShare presentation, by Smart Insights CEO Dr. Dave Chaffey, examines how to use analytics and testing to grow online business.

Three key points we like from 10 Steps to Actionable Analytics for Digital Marketing:

  • Choose a person responsible for driving customer experience including multichannel ROI and optimization
  • Define a strategy process to prioritize and plan your marketing analytics improvements
  • Define vision, goals, smart objectives, and dashboard key performance indicators (KPIs)

2. Big Data & Analytics 101: How Customer Lifetime Value Enhances Predictive Marketing


BIG Cloud Analytics is a thought leader in marketing science. The company offers technology-enabled, real-time marketing predictions to serve the financial services, retail, consumer packaged goods, media and publishing, telecommunications, and airline industries. CEO J Patrick Bewley’s presentation centers on Big Data and analytics and the relationship between customer lifetime value and predictive marketing.

Three key points we like from Big Data & Analytics 101: How Customer Lifetime Value Enhances Predictive Marketing:

  • The stages of implementing Big Data and analytics include envisioning, data assessment, data collection, describe and codify, predict and recommend, engage, and measure and refine
  • Ensure you unlock the value of the data you already have
  • Prioritize data based on how it supports your business outcomes

3. Big Data, Customer Analytics and Loyalty Marketing – Innovations from Retail: What Travel Can Learn About Big Data, Social Media & Customer Analytics


Tnooz is a bright source of travel technology news, analysis, and viewpoints from around the travel and hospitality industries. Editor and co-founder of Tnooz, Kevin May presents how to improve the customer experience while optimizing customer service, marketing spend, and wallet share in this presentation, which is part of a webinar featuring IBM’s Kurt Wedgwood, Aginity’s Tzaras Christon, Tnooz’s Gene Quin, and May himself.

Three key points we like from Big Data, Customer Analytics and Loyalty Marketing – Innovations from Retail: What Travel Can Learn About Big Data, Social Media & Customer Analytics:

  • Benefits of Big Data analytics includes developing persona-level customer segmentation, improving products and services launches, optimizing return on marketing spend, and utilizing social media analytics
  • When gaining customer insight is the priority, optimize the business around the customer attributes that drive the customer journey
  • CEOs identify customers as second only to the C-suite in terms of the strategic influence they hold

4. Customer Analytics & Segmentation for Customer Centric Organization & Marketing Optimization


TMB Bank, a leading Thai bank, strives to empower customers to better manage their financial matters and get the most out of life. It is with this focus on the customer that Natthawan Apiratanapimolchai created this SlideShare presentation highlighting the need for customer analytics and segmentation.

Three key points we like from Customer Analytics & Segmentation for Customer Centric Organization & Marketing Optimization:

  • Customer insight is paramount to customer-centric organizations
  • Customer analytics delivers 360 degrees of customer information, including internal customer data, behavior usage data, customer research, and social
  • Customer analytics and data mining empowers financial institutions to extract information regarding credit ratings and targeted marketing, customer relationship management, and fraud detection

5. Customer Analytics Pay Off – Bringing Science to the Art of Marketing


Marc Teerlink is chief business strategist at IBM Watson Group. His SlideShare presentation demonstrates the value of customer analytics and marrying data science to the art of marketing. As he claims, “analytically sophisticated enterprises outperform.”

Three key points we like from Customer Analytics Pay Off – Bringing Science to the Art of Marketing:

  • Leading companies execute customer analytics strategies that enable them to drive top-line growth
  • To manage customer relationships for profits rather than sales, leverage marketing analytics
  • When you apply advanced analytics, you move from reaction to prediction

6. Customer and Marketing Analytics: Integrating Multichannel Data to Gain Actionable Business Insights for Greater Profitability


Mindtree assists clients in outperforming the competition via customized digital solutions and infrastructure and applications management. Their SlideShare presentation is in the form of a white paper that examines the ways in which customer insight leads to long-term engagement, loyalty, and profitability.

Three key points we like from Customer and Marketing Analytics: Integrating Multichannel Data to Gain Actionable Business Insights for Greater Profitability:

  • Don’t allow yourself to become overwhelmed by the complex nature of multichannel customer data
  • As your strategic needs grow, move into advanced analytics including segmentation, modeling, and advanced data visualization
  • The analytical roadmap to maturity progresses from customer understanding to predictive modeling and then to contact strategy and finally customer engagement

7. The Definitive Guide to Marketing Metrics & Analytics


Marketo is the leading engagement platform, empowering marketers to create lasting relationships and grow revenue. Their definitive guide to marketing metrics and analytics reminds marketers of the importance of using metrics to determine the value of their efforts and communicate results with the organization at large.

Three key points we like from The Definitive Guide to Marketing Metrics & Analytics:

  • Marketing analytics provide measurement for building respect and accountability
  • To plan for marketing ROI, establish goals and ROI estimates beforehand, design programs to be measurable, and focus on the decisions that improve marketing
  • Avoid common metrics mistakes, such as using vanity metrics, measuring what is easy, focusing on quantity rather than quality, using metrics to measure activity rather than results, and focusing on efficiency rather than on effectiveness

8. Dial Up Loyalty and Experience with Multi-Channel Customer Analytics


Alteryx, a leader in self-service data analytics, delivers deeper insights in hours rather than weeks. Their presentation from Retail’s BIG Show promotes using customer analytics to enable delivery of a consistent experience, a complete view of the customer, and the ability to take a predictive, agile approach.

Three key points we like from Dial Up Loyalty and Experience with Multi-Channel Customer Analytics:

  • Your analytics approach must include all relevant data by utilizing and integrating all data sources
  • Effective use of customer analytics improves marketing, merchandising, supply chain, store operations, and corporate operations
  • When you implement customer analytics, you gain customized reports to suit specific questions, wider dissemination of customer metrics, and multiple departments using the same customer data for reporting and analysis

9. Digital Marketing Analytics Lecture 1 Loyola University Chicago


Eric Bryn is a digital strategist and consultant who also serves as an adjunct professor at Loyola University. His digital marketing analytics presentation contains slides from a lecture he delivered covering the core concepts and constructs of digital analytics, including Zero Moment of Trust.

Three key points we like from Digital Marketing Analytics Lecture 1 Loyola University Chicago:

  • Just in time information about customers has been significantly impacted by mobile devices
  • Customers typically begin their online activities on smartphones, but they start on computers for more complex activities and tablets for shopping and trip planning
  • Companies must have the capability of gathering data from the same customer using multiple devices because customers use more than one device simultaneously

10. Driving Growth with Marketing Analytics

Jill Enabnit, SVP of deposit products and pricing science at U.S. Bank, is a leader of diverse, high-performing analytical and strategy development teams in financial services. She created this SlideShare presentation for a DMA event to examine how analytics influences customer satisfaction.

Three key points we like from Driving Growth with Marketing Analytics:

  • Obtain a single view of the customer
  • Be willing to experiment to optimize channels and your marketing mix
  • Utilize marketing analytics data in addition to conversational data

11. Elevating Customer Analytics – How to Gain a 720 Degree View of Your Customer



Actian Corporation is the hybrid data management, integration, and analytics company. Former global product marketing director of Actian Analytics, Christy Maver created this SlideShare presentation, which focuses on showing marketers the opportunities created by Big Data, elevating customer analytics, and building a holistic view of your customers.

Three key points we like from Elevating Customer Analytics – How to Gain a 720 Degree View of Your Customer:

  • Retaining customers is simpler and less expensive than acquiring new ones
  • The 360-degree view of customers no longer is sufficient because of social media and the connected nature of consumers
  • Build a 720-degree view of customers by utilizing graph analytics to discover what you don’t know, create heat maps of relationships, and uncover cause, effect, and influence in data associations

12. Finding Value from Marketing Analytics: Customer Analytics in the Time of the Always on Consumer


Alteryx understands the value of deep insights and gaining them as quickly as possible, so it’s no surprise their marketing analytics presentation highlights the value of analytics and insights.

Three key points we like from Finding Value from Marketing Analytics: Customer Analytics in the Time of the Always on Consumer:

  • Strive to achieve strategic analytics for marketing success
  • Customer interactions expand as customers are connected more than ever before
  • Do not stop your use of analytics at acquisition because it serves the entire customer lifecycle

13. First Rule of Marketing Analytics: Forget About the Customer


Alight Analytics delivers consolidated marketing channel data to agencies and brands through ChannelMix, the world’s first marketing data engine. In this SlideShare presentation, Alight Analytics makes the case for marketers taking a different view of customer acquisition, learning to construct a marketing measurement funnel, and demonstrating holistic results to drive performance and optimization.

Three key points we like from First Rule of Marketing Analytics: Forget About the Customer:

  • Don’t attempt to solve today’s complex data ecosystem and customer journey with antiquated analytics methodologies
  • To address the challenges of today’s complex customer journey, audit all touch points and implement basic metrics to track movement
  • To address manual measurement silos, implement holistic automated dashboards and attribution performance measurement

14. Grow Your Business Faster with Customer Analytics


Kissmetrics empowers you to get, keep, and grow more customers with customer engagement automation. This Kissmetrics SlideShare presentation by marketing analyst Lars Lofgren reminds marketers that customer insights and engagement are the only way to ensure a competitive advantage today.

Three key points we like from Grow Your Business Faster with Customer Analytics:

  • You cannot build a relationship with customers until you know who they are
  • Customer analytics are more powerful than web analytics when seeking to uncover insights about consumers
  • Consider all touchpoints when attempting to gain a complete view of the customer

15. How Big Data is Changing Marketing Analytics


SAP Analytics delivers modern analytics for digital enterprises that empower you to gain insights and transform your business. Learn more about the value of marketing analytics and how to understand consumer behavior by clicking through this presentation.

Three key points we like from How Big Data is Changing Marketing Analytics:

  • Use customer analytics to make more informed decisions for future marketing campaigns to make them more effective
  • Utilize Big Data analytics to increase customer engagement and revenue growth
  • Track and visualize the customer journey, especially focusing on demographics and consumer behavior data to better understand customer activities and to identify new business opportunities

16. How Marketing Can Power Engagement: Using Analytics to Deepen Customer Relationships


Social Media Today provides busy professionals with a complete view of the social media industry quickly and easily by covering industry news and providing original analysis. Their SlideShare presentation, featuring speakers Bob Gilbreath of Ahalogy, Kevin Poe of Experian, Swati Sinha of SAP, and award-winning B2B marketing expert Paul Dunay, encourages you to focus on customer relationships to satisfy customers and boost revenue.

Three key points we like from How Marketing Can Power Engagement: Using Analytics to Deepen Customer Relationships:

  • Use analytics to generate real-time consumer insights
  • Gather customer data from multiple sources
  • Marketing analytics makes it possible for you to deliver engaging experiences to customers on a consistent basis

17. How Marketing Can Report Revenue Analytics That Don’t Lie


LeanData simplifies account-based sales and marketing. Their marketing analytics SlideShare contains slides from a 30-minute webcast that examines how marketing reports accurate revenue analytics. Learn from LeanData CMO Dan Ziman and Digital Pi chief strategy officer Tom Grubb.

Three key points we like from How Marketing Can Report Revenue Analytics That Don’t Lie:

  • Focus on revenue reporting to prove marketing ROI
  • Studies show the overwhelming majority of CEOs do not trust marketers, so you need to utilize marketing analytics to demonstrate value
  • Keep in mind the path to revenue reporting starts with opportunities

18. How the Pros Turn Marketing Analytics into Effective Marketing Strategies



Barry Feldman is a digital marketing expert and content marketing consultant, and Kim Cooper is a senior marketing manager. Together, they present How the Pros Turn Marketing Analytics into Effective Marketing Strategies, a slide deck presentation featuring insights from top digital marketers Eric Enge, Andy Crestodina, Larry Kim, Steve Rayson, and Chad White.

Three key points we like from How the Pros Turn Marketing Analytics into Effective Marketing Strategies:

  • Use marketing analytics to get a holistic view of marketing programs and understand how multiple channels drive traffic
  • Marketers require analytics to have a clear vision of goals and to be able to measure their effectiveness
  • Utilize analytics to attract visitors and then to get those visitors to take action

19. How to Unlock the ROI of Your Marketing with Analytics: Monitoring the Right Metrics for Business Growth



Marketing Matters Inbound is a HubSpot gold certified partner that centers on inbound marketing, content strategy, and conversion websites. In this presentation, company founder and digital marketing strategist Scott Miller examines how marketing analytics results in improved landing pages, SEO, business blogs, social media, email, and lead nurturing.

Three key points we like from How to Unlock the ROI of Your Marketing with Analytics: Monitoring the Right Metrics for Business Growth:

  • Use the closed loop analytics you apply to landing pages, SEO, email marketing, etc. to enhance the return on your inbound marketing investment
  • A good starting point is understanding the metrics you need to gauge landing page effectiveness, such as call-to-cation click-through rate, visitor-to-lead conversion rate, and lead-to-customer conversion rate
  • Use marketing analytics to determine which marketing channels are most successful and use the information to generate the most qualified leads and get the biggest ROI

20. How to Use Customer Analytics to Get the Maximum Out of Marketing Automation Solutions


Universem is a digital marketing consultancy providing SEO, SEA, and web analytics services to optimize web traffic. Their customer analytics presentation examines the importance of understanding customers to take actions to improve retention and customer lifetime value.

Three key points we like from How to Use Customer Analytics to Get the Maximum Out of Marketing Automation Solutions:

  • Google Analytics is not enough to gain a complete understanding of the customer journey
  • Customer analytics are more powerful than web analytics in terms of collecting all customer data, analyzing them to understand their behavior, and uncovering insights to make key business decisions
  • Use customer analytics to deliver a seamless experience on all touchpoints

21. HubSpot Customer Case Study: Moonworks Uses Marketing Analytics to Test Campaigns & Increase Conversion Rates


HubSpot offers a full stack of products for marketing, sales, and customer relationship management. In this customer case study presentation, HubSpot details how Moonworks puts marketing analytics to work. This construction and renovation company used HubSpot’s software for two years to make progress with inbound marketing.

Three key points we like from HubSpot Customer Case Study: Moonworks Uses Marketing Analytics to Test Campaigns & Increase Conversion Rates:

  • Marketing analytics makes it possible to track all marketing initiatives, including tools for measuring traffic and tracking URLs to track paid search campaigns
  • Blog analytics empower you to understand readers’ interests and then tailor future blog posts to reach them
  • The right marketing analytics software makes it possible for you to generate an idea, implement it in the same day, and test you campaign variations quickly and easily

22. Integrated Marketing Analytics & Data-Driven Intelligence


SAS Software gives people the power of knowledge via data and analytics. In this presentation for a DMA event, SAS manager of CI and integrated marketing Bruce Swann, SAS principal solutions architect of customer intelligence Scott Briggs, and SAS senior solutions architect of integrated marketing analytics Suneel Grover examine the power of marketing analytics and data-driven intelligence, specifically in terms of omni-channel orchestration and interaction.

Three key points we like from Integrated Marketing Analytics & Data-Driven Intelligence:

  • Today’s marketing landscape includes empowered customers and a proliferation of digital channels, an explosion of data, and an evolving CMO role that must include a dual analytics/creative mindset
  • Implementing marketing analytics involves consolidating information, driving the value of data, orchestrating next best action, and measuring and improving marketing efforts
  • Make better informed decisions with marketing analytics to align strategy with consumer behavior, reveal behaviors across online channels to discover new marketing opportunities, and enable more efficient marketing processes

23. Customer Analytics and Marketing to Drive Demand


Escape Velocity, Inc. delivers enterprise quality data science built for startups. CEO and co-founder Jill Kaplan’s presentation examines the power of small data on gaining customer insights and guides you through unlocking your small data.

Three key points we like from Customer Analytics and Marketing to Drive Demand:

  • To successfully unlock your small data, enrich your customer data to develop a strategic customer database
  • Customer analytics deliver the best ROI when you focus on metrics that matter most
  • Enrich customer data and expand your existing customer data to build a strategic customer database and uncover anonymous users

24. Keynote: 6 Steps to Big Data Success for Digital Marketing


Sameer Khan is a keynote speaker and analytics, marketing, and cloud leader who has helped IBM and other leading companies build their analytics and digital strategy, vision, and infrastructure. A Big Data analytics influencer, Sameer created this presentation for IBM Commerce to demonstrate how you can apply data science and Big Data analytics methodologies to digital marketing to boost marketing performance, predict campaign success, reduce customer churn, and improve content popularity.

Three key points we like from Keynote: 6 Steps to Big Data Success for Digital Marketing:

  • Make use of machine learning
  • Key use cases include customer segmentation, journey analysis, marketing campaign performance, content marketing optimization, predictive attribution, and churn and loyalty
  • Improve customer loyalty by improving marketing performance

25. Leveraging Analytics to Improve Customer Experience


SAS Customer Intelligence is a leader in integrated marketing management. This SlideShare presentation is part of a webinar produced by the Customer Experience Professionals Association (CXPA) for SAS and includes thought leaders Brian Vellmure, principal and founder of Innovantage/Initium LLC, and Wilson Raj, SAS global customer intelligence director.

Three key points we like from Leveraging Analytics to Improve Customer Experience:

  • Companies that differentiate via customer experience reap the benefits
  • Leverage advanced analytics to gain the most meaningful insights and deliver the most profitable customer experiences
  • With marketing analytics, you can ask better questions, discover new patterns, make better decisions, find better answers, and generate new insights

26. Listening to the Customer – 7 Key Customer Experience Trends


IMB Watson Marketing delivers smarter marketing automation and analytics. In this presentation, Econsultancy’s VP of research Stefan Tornquist and IBM’s program leader of customer analytics marketing Elizabeth Magill guide you through the ways in which you can integrate and analyze expanding data sources to gain insights into customers like never before.

Three key points we like from Listening to the Customer – 7 Key Customer Experience Trends:

  • Customer experience is more important than ever in today’s commoditized world
  • Your approach to customer analytics and experience may be obsolete
  • Strive to capitalize on the connection between customer experience and trust and learn to fix issues and resolve conflicts before you drive away customers

27. Lori C. Bieda’s The Analytics Team of the Future


Lori Bieda is an analytics, technology, and marketing executive with more than 20 years of experience in driving profitable business growth through the strategic use of data and analytics and global experience across industries. Lori created this presentation for Canada Post’s Think Inside the Box when she was VP of client insights, analytics, and decision intelligence at TD Bank Group.

Three key points we like from Lori C. Bieda’s The Analytics Team of the Future:

  • Building great customer experiences is the way to achieve sustainable competitive differentiation
  • Customer insight is at the heart of delivering legendary customer experiences
  • Companies need to reframe how they view analytics teams: they are strategic enablers, the link to customer information, insight, and action, the key to monetizing information as a strategic organizational asset, and the source of sustainable competitive differentiation

28. The Marketing Analytics Stack – How to Use Customer Data for Traction and Growth


Popcorn Metrics makes marketing data simple, so companies don’t have to rely on IT or developers. Founder and CEO of Popcorn Metrics, Paul Boyce presents The Marketing Analytics Stack – How to Use Customer Data for Traction and Growth, a slide deck from one of his recent talks at Seedcamp in London.

Three key points we like from The Marketing Analytics Stack – How to Use Customer Data for Traction and Growth:

  • If you’re not using marketing analytics, you’re guessing
  • The best metrics are comparative, involve ratios and rates, understandable, and actionable
  • Good metrics change your behavior

29. Marketing Analytics Report


B2B tech CMO Holger Schulze is the group founder of the technology marketing community on LinkedIn. He’s also the man behind the Marketing Analytics Report presentation, which explores the goals and challenges of marketing analytics and explores how you can measure, evaluate, report, and optimize marketing success.

Three key points we like from Marketing Analytics Report:

  • The most common challenges in marketing analytics include lack of resources, data quality, and lack of system integration
  • The most important business objective for marketing analytics is gaining actionable insights, while having the ability to combine data to achieve insights is the top operational objective
  • Marketers expect four benefits from using marketing analytics: determining which platforms deliver the greatest ROI, prioritizing marketing tactics more successfully, creating better marketing messages and positioning, and being more adept at demonstrating the value marketing contributes to sales

30. Marketing Analytics Solution Brief


Polystar enables CSPs to achieve excellence in CEM, Big Data analytics, service assurance, network monitoring, and high-performance testing. Their Marketing Analytics Solution Brief describes how you can beat your competition using objective customer information to design more appealing products and improve your marketing effectiveness.

Three key points we like from Marketing Analytics Solution Brief:

  • Strive to make your products, business models, and marketing campaigns reflect user behavior
  • Marketing analytics empower you to increase your conversion rate by adapting messages to target groups
  • Enhanced customer insights enable you to better define marketing campaigns and deliver more relevant information and offers via customers’ preferred channels

31. Marketing Analytics to Communication ROI Across Teams



Former CMO and “third founder” at HubSpot and current CMO of Cybereason, Mike Volpe created this presentation to help companies better define marketing ROI to get a better handle on how to measure it and how to communicate the results your marketing team achieves. The answer is marketing analytics.

Three key points we like from Marketing Analytics to Communication ROI Across Teams:

  • Your CEO should care about a few metrics: customer acquisition cost, marketing % of CAC, lifetime value to CAC ratio, and time to payback CAC
  • Marketing teams should have a metric just like the sales team that is measured in dollars
  • Ensure your ROI metrics measure cost and benefit, you communicate metrics broadly, and you align your marketing metrics with goals

32. Marketing Analytics: Building a Reporting Format You Can Own


Chris Sietsema is a digital marketing consultant and owner of Teach to Fish Digital, a consultancy that helps businesses make smart decisions based on well-founded marketing metrics. In this presentation, Chris espouses the importance of building a solid foundation for reporting accuracy, efficiency, and substance.

Three key points we like from Marketing Analytics: Building a Reporting Format You Can Own:

  • When creating your reports, spend an equal amount of time pulling data and providing insights
  • Tag each campaign with a unique tracking code to more accurately measure its impact on visits, shopping behavior, and conversions
  • Helpful tools for marketing analytics reporting include A/B testing, heat maps and click interaction, storytelling, custom alerts, and video instruction and insights

33. Marketing Analytics: Introduction & Examples



Regalix is a digital marketing and technology services agency that delivers creative content, digital experiences, and campaign optimization. Their presentation includes slides created by Stephan Sorger, partner at On Demand Advisors, and serves as a thorough introduction to marketing analytics that is appropriate both for beginners and expert marketers.

Three key points we like from Marketing Analytics: Introduction & Examples:

  • Trends driving adoption of marketing analytics include accountability, data-driven presentations, massive amounts of data, reduced resources, and online data availability
  • Benefits of utilizing marketing analytics include driving revenue, saving money, encouraging experimentation, persuading executives, and side-stepping politics
  • It is beneficial to practice promotion allocation methods on your own

34. Marketing Analytics: Making Data Make Sense




Widen is a content technology company specializing in digital asset management software and content production services. Their presentation, by Nina Brakel-Schutt and Jake Athey, considers how companies gain meaning from various data sources.

Three key points we like from Marketing Analytics: Making Data Make Sense:

  • Without marketing analytics, you have no insight into online behavior
  • Marketing analytics encompass web analytics, customer relationship management, marketing automation, and social media management
  • You need to determine the correct mix of analytics for your organization: begin by identifying your data sources, developing metrics, and gaining more insights

35. Marketing in the Driver’s Seat: Using Analytics to Create Customer Value


The Harvard Business Review is a leading resource for smart management thinking. Their report on marketing analytics is available on SlideShare and includes academic research on the revenue and profit opportunities from putting data and analytics into practice. It also includes insight into how companies use data to delight customers.

Three key points we like from Marketing in the Driver’s Seat: Using Analytics to Create Customer Value:

  • To continue to gain a competitive edge with analytics, companies must continually develop more sophisticated analytics capabilities and applications, because a MIT Sloan Management Review found that as more organizations develop analytics capabilities, the number of companies gaining a competitive advantage from analytics is declining
  • Companies succeeding with analytics understand how they generate demand and the quality of the customer experience they provide; take an integrated approach to identify what happens at all customer touch points and understand your level of effectiveness
  • To gain competitive advantage from analytics, focus on customer-centric strategies

36. Mobile Marketing Association Keynote – From Web Analytics to Customer Intelligence


Rand Schulman, DMscore CEO and co-founder of the Digital Analytics Association, delivered the Mobile Marketing Association’s keynote, From Web Analytics to Customer Intelligence. This presentation includes the slides from the keynote, which covers the critical nature of implementing analytics and becoming customer-centric.

Three key points we like from Mobile Marketing Association Keynote – From Web Analytics to Customer Intelligence:

  • Mobile is at the heart of the customer-brand relationship
  • Brands cannot build meaningful, valuable experiences throughout the customer lifetime without insights
  • You need applications that allow you to collect and track behavior, and you need to measure results and optimize process rather than simply capturing data

37. Multi-Channel Marketing and Analytics: Measuring and Optimising Your Marketing Effectiveness



The marketing data specialists at Datalicious work to help grow businesses. Datalicious founder and CEO Christian Bartens delivered this presentation, which focuses on measuring and enhancing your marketing effectiveness, at the Marcus Evans Path to Purchase conference.

Three key points we like from Multi-Channel Marketing and Analytics: Measuring and Optimising Your Marketing Effectiveness:

  • When you turn data into actionable insights, you widen the conversion funnel
  • Keep in mind that various channels influence each other
  • Ad clicks are an unreliable, inadequate measure; focus instead on impressions delivered

38. NASSCOM Marketing Analytics Report



Absolutdata, experts in Big Data, marketing analytics, IoT, AI, machine learning, CRM, and BI, delivers advanced analytics products and services to global grands. They also present the NASSCOM Marketing Analytics Report. NASSCOM is the premier trade body and the chamber of commerce in India, and their report describes how marketing analytics enable CEOs to make data-driven decisions.

Three key points we like from NASSCOM Marketing Analytics Report:

  • Marketing analytics empower CMOs to make data-driven decisions.
  • Marketing analytics have evolved, and they continue to evolve
  • Trends in marketing analytics include being on the top of the agenda for CXOs, needing solutions that integrate with organization-wide functions, newer digital platforms, and leveraging analytics in real time

39. Outcome Focused Analytics: Making Marketing Personal with Customer Analytics



Norbert Herman provides business model innovation and development from data insights and analytics to give you a smarter way to do business. In his customer experience leadership role with IBM, Norbert created this presentation detailing marketing analytics effectiveness in addressing today’s smarter consumers and their use of technology.

Three key points we like from Outcome Focused Analytics: Making Marketing Personal with Customer Analytics:

  • When analytics are done properly, businesses improve loyalty and grow their share of the wallet, gain a true competitive advantage as consumers’ trusted advisor, realize margin improvement through optimized marketing spend, and gain real intelligence
  • CMOs struggle with the challenges associated with the data explosion, consumers’ increasing use of social media, the growth of channel and device options, and shirting consumer demographics, among other things
  • After you identify patterns and trends in your market sector, alter your approach to get a higher ROMI

40. Personalizing Customer Engagements through Smarter Analytics & Marketing


Capillary Tech helps brands remain ready for consumers by focusing on insights, engagement, and loyalty. Anant Choubey and Aurelia Leopold delivered this presentation on personalizing engagements via smarter analytics and marketing to demonstrate how using customer intelligence builds smarter campaigns.

Three key points we like from Personalizing Customer Engagements through Smarter Analytics & Marketing:

  • Connected consumers have a powerful impact on brands, which means brands now have the responsibility to connect with customers
  • Use customer data as an opportunity to engage with them more effectively
  • Utilizing Big Data analytics creates even richer insights so you can deliver even richer experiences

41. Predictive Analytics for Sales and Marketing: Transforming Big Data into Customer Knowledge


In the form of a white paper, this marketing analytics presentation by Information Builders covers multichannel marketing, predictive analytics, key sales and marketing operations, successful predictive models for sales and marketing, cutting-edge predictive modeling, and predictive analytics applications.

Three key points we like from Predictive Analytics for Sales and Marketing: Transforming Big Data into Customer Knowledge:

  • Predictive analytics is more powerful than traditional reporting solutions because they empower companies to determine how potential and existing customers most likely will behave in the future by discovering patterns and trends in historical sales and marketing data
  • Predictive analytics helps you create more effective sales and marketing strategies to determine the optimal mix of marketing programs, boost the effectiveness of campaigns and promotions, increase customer acquisition, maximize ROMI, formulate more effective product development, enhancement, and pricing plans, generate more revenue, increase customer value and wallet share, and optimize satisfaction, loyalty, and retention
  • Research shows that organizations applying predictive analytics to their sales and marketing efforts see a 75% higher click-through rate and 73% higher sales than those that don’t

42. RADWeek 2017: Marketing Analytics Presentation


Dixon Schwabl provides inspired and integrated marketing solutions. Manger of analytics and automated marketing at Dixon Schwabl, Mike Reed delivered an overview of marketing analytics as part of Rochester Adweek 2017.

Three key points we like from RADWeek 2017: Marketing Analytics Presentation:

  • To begin with marketing analytics, you need to ask the right questions: Why do marketing analytics matter? How to use analytics to show marketing value and uncover opportunities? Which tasks are necessary for measuring KPIs, goals, and attribution?
  • Mapping the customer journey experience is key to delivering the right message to the right person at the right time
  • Your goal should be to utilize data to understand the past and predict the future

43. Sales & Marketing Analytics: Gauging and Optimizing Performance


Demand Metric is an analyst firm for marketers that provides practical research, tools, training, and advice. In conjunction with Tableau Software, Demand Metric presents this slide deck, which provides a summary of a recent study that explores the use of sales and marketing analytics tools and technology.

Three key points we like from Sales & Marketing Analytics: Gauging and Optimizing Performance:

  • Marketers and sales professionals fly blind without the right tools, technologies, data, and processes
  • Marketing analytics provide opportunities for sales and marketing to have a stronger voice and greater influence in their organizations
  • Companies cannot capitalize on their marketing analytics if there is little or no collaboration and sharing of results

44. Social Marketing Analytics: A New Framework for Measuring Results in Social Media



This presentation is a joint effort between Web Analytics Demystified’s John Lovett and Altimeter Group’s Jeremiah Owyang. John is a change agent for web analytics and partner at Analytics Demystified, and Jeremiah is founder of Crowd Companies and founding partner of Kaleido Insights. The presentation highlights the need for companies to put a measurement strategy in place to maximize the benefits of using social marketing analytics.

Three key points we like from Social Marketing Analytics: A New Framework for Measuring Results in Social Media:

  • Social initiatives directly impact your bottom line
  • Too many businesses tracking social media use the wrong metrics, which is the reason it’s time for a new social media measurement standard
  • It is critical to measure, assess, and explain social media initiatives’ performance in the context of specific business objectives

45. Text Analytics: Applications for Text Analytics in Marketing



Angoss Software and Mighty Guides teamed up to create this presentation on the role of text analytics in marketing. The presentation includes a selection of interviews with experts who support the value of and the possibilities that lie within text analytics. As Angoss Software senior campaign marketing manager Mathew McLarnon puts it: “until recently, analytics (even predictive analytics) has largely been viewed as a numbers game, but natural language processing and the ability to conduct analysis on unstructured data – that is, words – are opening new doors for marketers.”

Three key points we like from Text Analytics: Applications for Text Analytics in Marketing:

  • Text analytics has immense potential for marketers
  • Analyzing text for insight is not new, but the ability to mine vast quantities of text quickly is changing the game for businesses
  • Don’t use natural language processing and other techniques to find what makes the company look good; rather, ask how you can use text analytics to determine what you do to drive customer interest

46. Unlock the ROI of Your Marketing with Analytics


ClearPivot builds and grows measurable marketing assets that generate consistent returns to transform digitally-fluent marketing directors into successful leaders. Their presentation explores how to monitor the correct metrics for business growth and how to use analytics to align limited resources with effective marketing initiatives to maximize marketing spend.

Three key points we like from Unlock the ROI of Your Marketing with Analytics:

  • To be successful with inbound marketing, base decisions on data via marketing analytics
  • After you start tracking important data points, make them actionable
  • You can improve landing pages with marketing analytics: assess call-to-action and click-through rate, ensure alignment between your call-to-action and your landing page, remove navigation on the page, assess visitor-to-lead conversion rate, optimize through A/B testing, find winning content offers, and assess lead-to-customer conversion rate,

47. Using Analytics to Drive Customer Insight, Profitability & Loyalty



Bob Laurent, director of industry marketing for Alteryx, delivered this presentation at the Marketing Cloud Virtual Conference. Bob guides you through understanding how data analysts use analytics tools to gain a complete view of the customer, and how that view results in greater revenue and loyalty.

Three key points we like from Using Analytics to Drive Customer Insight, Profitability & Loyalty:

  • It is more difficult than ever to get a complete view of the customer because there is so much data from so many sources
  • Data from every customer interaction has the potential to provide deeper insight into their behavior, attitudes, and opinions
  • The majority of companies utilize customer analytics to see what customers say via the data; they then use the insights to implement customer-driven marketing strategies to improve revenue and boost loyalty

 Are you leveraging marketing analytics as effectively as you could be?

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