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What Are Call Center Industry Statistics in 2017? Here’s what you Need to Know.


The Team at CallMiner

September 13, 2017

papers with key metrics and magnify glass
papers with key metrics and magnify glass

Definition of Call Center Statistics

Call center statistics are data gathered about enterprise call centers that empirically illustrate both the internal and external relationships these centers have within the business environment in which they operate. They cover a variety of other areas including technological change, changes in consumer attitudes, and competitive considerations.

This takes a number of different forms and results in a diverse range of situational observations. The most obvious statistics hit on structural realities, such as the fact that nearly 3 in 4 businesses were already expanding their use of virtual agents in their call center teams throughout 2015. However, this is just the beginning. Taken in tandem, this compilation traces the contours of an ever changing, yet vital, landscape and seeks to impose clarity on an area where inefficiencies are all too often – and incorrectly – passively accepted as inevitable.

Examples of Call Center Statistics

Of course, no two organizations are alike. What may be a vital piece of information for one may be obscure if not meaningless to another, just as management best practices will vary from call center to call center. However, the compilation below is intended to be as universal as is feasible. There is a sampling of facts and figures from the key areas mentioned above: structural, technology, consumer attitudes, and competition.


  • There is a 37% rate of attrition amongst call center employees during the first 6 months on the job (DMG Consulting)
  • 76% of call center operating budgets are tied to resource related expenditures (DMG Consulting)
  • Quality management only exists in 3 out of 4 call centers (DMG Consulting)


  • It’s estimated that humans will still be required in 1 out of 3 customer service interactions in 2017 (Gartner)
  • Cloud-based infrastructure providers now account for more than 18% of contact center seats (DMG Consulting)
  • Generation Y already prefers social media to any other customer support contact channel, yet 60% of contact centers have absolutely no social media capabilities (Dimension Data)
  • Analytics is believed to be the future of call centers, yet 40% of them have no analytics tools (Dimension Data)

Consumer Attitudes

  • Companies realized a 10-15% revenue boost and a 20% jump in customer satisfaction when they made experiences across customer journeys a priority (McKinsey)
  • Customer service apps increase the favorable view of a company in 72% of customers (Nuance)
  • 2 out of 3 consumers are willing to pay a higher price for excellent customer service (American Express)


  • More than 4 in 5 customers told someone when they had a negative customer experience (Maritz)
  • 3 in 4 companies view the experience they provide customers as a way to differentiate from their competition (DMG Consulting)

Benefits of Call Center Statistics

Call Center Statistics are a window into the current trends, best practices, and ongoing realities modern day call centers face on a daily basis. They are a compass for both upper and lower management to better understand the role these centers are playing, as well as the impact they are or might have, on ROI.

Beyond their meaning in isolation, paying attention to year over year fluctuations in call center statistics provides companies with valuable business intelligence. They allow for a proper evaluation of macro-level trends, leading to more informed decision making about strategic approach, resource allocation, and the elimination of inefficiencies.

What are Call Center Metrics?

As demonstrated above, call center statistics are an important tool providing valuable macro-trend insight to management. However, this just scratches the surface. Call centers pose a different set of challenges and realities for any given business. While the broader trends are useful, they should in no way be considered monolithic. An internal measurement and auditing of vital metrics is necessary in all cases.

These internal observations complement the broader scope and utility of call center statistics. When used together properly, they allow internal trends and processes to be monitored or even benchmarked against ongoing macro-level trends to ensure maximum efficiency and effectiveness at any given time.

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